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and Journahsm:
With a Guide for Literary Beginners.
Second Edition. Price Three Shillings and Sixpence.
London :
Field ^ Tuer, y" Leadenhalle Preffe, E.G.
Co Mk lenrp Caglor, as.C.iH.*©.,
Author of Philip Van Artevelde.
Hearing you speak of the literature and the literary men of the
last generation — of Wordsworth whom you were one of the earliest to
recognize, of Southey whom you loved, of Walter Savage Landor,
and of many more, I have asked myself whether, rising up among us
now, there are those who can fill their vacant place ; and I have feared
that the literature of to-day may seem to you less noble and less sound
than that of a half-century ago. Journalism, a fleeting and sometimes
flippant phase of letters, has developed since then with a speed which
almost justifies Lamartine's prediction that our literature will soon
consist of the daily newspaper alone. And therefore it is that I
venture, in a volume compiled for the use of literary beginners, to
invoke a name which will remind them of the dignity and duty of
their mission.
JOURNALISM, while it affords scope for the
most brilliant and practised powers, is also the
legitimate sphere for the literary beginner. His
capacity is there put to the test by a process which,
unlike that of publishing a book, costs him nothing
in case of failure ; while the acceptance of his con-
tributions is an earnest of his future success. Nearly
all our great writers, whether journalists or not,
began by contributing timorously and obscurely to
the newspaper and periodical press ; and that there
are thousands of aspirants to-day eager to follow in
their footsteps and to take a place in the Repubhc of
Letters, if they only knew how and where to make
a start, is the conviction which has led to the com-
pilation of this little book. Nor is it published
without a hope that among their number may be
found in embryo the George Salas, the Tom Taylors,
the Edmund Yates, — perhaps even the Macaulays
and the George Eliots of the future.
A first edition of one thousand copies having
been exhausted in two months, the author has, in
this second issue, taken advantage of many useful
hints offered by critics, and has corrected down to
date the dictionary of the periodical press.
IN AN editor's chair
" If a man can command a table, a chair, pen, ink, and paper, he can
commence his trade as a literary man. It requires no capital, no special
education, and may be taken up without a moment's delay." — Anthony
"When my first effusion — dropped stealthily one evening at twilight, with
fear and trembling, in a dark letter-box, in a dark office up a dark court in
Fleet Street — appeared in the glory of print, I walked down to Westminster
Hall, and turned into it for half-an-hour, because my eyes were so dimmed
with joy and pride that they could not bear the street, and were not fit to be
seen there."— CAar&i Dickens.
MATEURITY generally means immaturity.
In literature it is a want of that ease, that
self-possession of style, and that conformity
to custom which can hardly exist without
practice, and for the absence of which even
freshness or impulse of manner makes poor
amends. A literary aspirant, therefore, in
forwarding his tentative contributions,
should never apologetically explain that he is an amateur, for by so
doing he will hardly fail to prejudice editors against his MSS.
Let him beware also of the little dilettante habits which, though
they seem to him attractive refinements, only raise a smile in
Fleet-street. Such, for instance, is the good note-paper bearing a
crest in the corner, commonly implying an expenditure impossible
to the man who writes well enough to write for his bread. The
A 2
lo "Journals and Journalism.
professional journalist " slings ink " on whatever odds and ends of
paper come in his way ; and the amateur would do well to show
the same wholesome indifference to the niceties of note-paper, even
following, if need be, the example of, " paper-sparing Pope," who
wrote his " Iliad " and " Odyssey " on the backs of letters from his
friends, among whom were Addison and Steele, those great fathers
of literary journalism.
Even more fatally amateurish is the practice, not uncommon
with beginners, of addressing a more or less gushing note to an
editor, disclaiming any wish for remuneration, and intimating that
the honour of appearing in his valuable paper is all the reward
that is asked. A contribution that is worth printing is worth paying
for; and to an established paper the trifling sum due for any
ordinary article is a matter of no consequence whatever — a mere
drop in the bucket of printing and editorial expenses. In the case of
a new paper, not backed by much capital, it is different. Gratuitous
contributions may there be welcome ; but such a paper will hardly
live ; nor, if it did, would there be much prestige attached to an
appearance in its pages. Besides, the offer of unremunerated labour
to an experienced editor will often, and legitimately, be resented.
He feels that an attempt is being made to bribe him, and, however
absurd the bribe, the idea is not pleasant. There is, in a word,
only one fair and sufficient test of capacity in literature as in the
other arts, and that is the test of competition in the open market.
Literary Amateurs. 1 1
Our old friends, supply and demand, expressed by sale and
purchase, are the only trustworthy umpires in the matter, after all.
As to the style of amateurs, though we have just spoken of
freshness as their possible characteristic, the curious fact is that,
contrary to natural expectation, they generally Avrite more conven-
tionally than the hacks of journaUsm. The amateur sets himself
too energetically to keep the trodden ways ; he is too timid to
allow any originality which he may possess to assert itself; and
it is only when he is familiar with the necessary laws that he gives
himself a desirable ease and liberty in non-essentials. The same
rule holds good with the literary novice as with the amateur actors,
who, while they break the law which directs them to face their
audience, are more stagy in deUvery than the third-rate ranter
of twenty years' experience.
Finally, let amateurs beware of " amateur magazines," and of
agencies for the profitable placing of literary work. These are gene-
rally bubbles — bubbles that will burst as soon as they are pricked
with a silver or a golden pin. Some years ago an action was
brought by one of these amateur associations against another ;
and a number of dreadful young men of nineteen, with long
hair, and spectacles, appeared in court as plaintiffs and defen-
dants. No doubt the original promoters of such an organization
traded to good purpose on the credulity and ambition of the
provincial and the young, beginning with a profession of philan-
12 'Journals and 'Journalism.
thropy, and ending with a request for a subscription. They
soon had their imitators, however ; the monopoly was broken,
the spoils divided; and what with the exposure resulting from
their internal dissensions, and the bitter individual experience
of the thousands who lent willing ears and purses to their allure-
ments, we may hope that their occupation is now gone.
HERE is an impression universally prevalent
among beginners that to be introduced
personally or by letter to an editor is one of
the essentials of a literary debut^ albeit the
only introduction which really avails is
good and marketable work. It is difficult
to convince them of the fact that recom-
mendation will not do a great deal for
them, or that they can possibly receive justice without it. " A
good word from a trustworthy source will induce the editors to read
my things," says the amateur invariably ; " as it is, I am certain
they do not read them." The unpalatable fact is, however, that
when a MS. is not read, the reason in eight cases out of ten is that
the editorial eye, which is as practised in gauging at a glance the
quality of literary work as is the eye of an art collector in deter-
mining instantly the approximate value of a picture, has summarily
given a decision adverse to the offered contribution. Good things
are too well worth having to be carelessly foregone. Of course
there are exceptions. Press of time, press of matter, or kindred
14 'Journals and Journalism.
reasons, may cause a contribution to be overlooked ; but in such
cases a letter of introduction hardly mends matters. A familiar
source of trouble to authors and professional journalists would once
for all be stopped if beginners would frankly enter the field in the
way of business, sans phrases. Of course there are cases in which
a word from a common acquaintance may be of use to an unknown
writer who sends to a journal an article which might possibly be a
hoax; for a note of introduction is, if nothing else, a valuable guaran-
tee of good faith. Also a letter from one journalist to a7iother^
vouching for the tried capacity of a person introduced, is, it is
scarcely necessary to say, very useful and very convenient ; it may
save the. time and trouble which would otherwise be spent on
reading his MSS., and all editors are glad to escape at once
to the plain-sailing of print ; for, as Charles Lamb found, every-
thing reads " raw " in MS. The printed copy will not necessarily
be accepted, of course, but it will stand a better chance in that
condition. Such an introduction as this, however, is hardly
likely to fall to the lot of the beginner for whose behoof we are
writing, and whom we wish to warn against counting on any kind
of personal favour from an editor through common acquaintances
or otherwise.
Still more futile than suing outsiders for recommendations is
the somewhat kindred practice of appealing to the editor himself
in forma pauperis^ and for personal motives, for a place upon his
Introductions to 'Editors. 15
staff. Charles Dickens, speaking from a full heart, somewhere
mentions the "profoundly unreasonable grounds on which an
editor is often urged to accept unsuitable articles — such as having
been at school with the writer's husband'^ brother-in-law, or having
lent an alpenstock in Switzerland to the writer's wife's nephew,
when that interesting stranger had broken his own." Thackeray
resigned the editorship of the Cornhill (his pet magazine, set
on foot at a time when monthlies of its class were few) on
account of the pain he endured from the inevitable necessity of
rejecting appeals, not less unreasonable and far more pitiful
than the fantastic pleas caricatured by Dickens. Pathetic letters
from educated young women, on whose painful exertions as
teachers, and even as sempstresses, a paralyzed father or a brood
of helpless younger children depended, timid supplications from
men whose spirit was broken by failure in every direction —
such were among the "thorns," as he called them, which the
tender-hearted humourist found in the editorial pillow. Unfortun-
ately, angelic filial or sisterly devotion is not inconsistent with
the feeblest literary powers ; nevertheless, the editor, hoping
against hope, was wont to look eagerly through the poor little
paper, in case, by some untoward chance, it might be just possible
to print it — but almost always with the same negative result.* It
* Mr. Thackeray tells us thus much, but he does not add that he frequently
sent out of his own pocket a five-pound note in payment for the contributions
1 6 'Journals and 'Journalism.
is difficult for distress to be very logical, but it is also difficult to
enter into the state of mind of a poor girl who thinks that her
MSS. ought to be printed because she is good, self-denying, unfor-
tunate and overworked, and not at all because they deserve it.
This sort of personal appeal is essentially feminine. So is the
occasional trick of addressing contributions to the editor's private
house instead of to the office of his paper. Few women are con-
tent to be numbered in a class ; they will not submit to be
generalized ; they find some good reason why their own case
is peculiar and particular ; hence they pursue an editor to his
home in the hope of getting his private ear, and by so doing
irretrievably damage such chance of success as they might other-
wise have. Those women (and they are not a few) who have
made a worthy position in periodical literature, have done so by
ridding themselves of all such
/^ y ^ *y >— ■ feminine amateurity as this. Har-
J? . S/^/UCA ^^:^^^uy^^ j.jgj Martineau, Mrs. Lynn Linton,
Mrs. Cashel Hoey, these are
which he could neither publish nor conscientiously charge to his employers.
The kind-hearted editor, whose "cynicism," by the way, is the stock
charge against his character, put the impracticable MSS. away in a drawer
devoted to matter destined for possible future use, where they were of course
■Introductions to Editors. 17
names with which no such petti-
fogging devices are associated. ^:^^^^^t^e^,^it^<
And the story of Adelaide Anne
Procter's connection with House-
hold Words illustrates our point. This is how it is told by Charles
Dickens :— " In the spring of the year 1853, I observed, as con-
ductor of Household Words, a short poem among the proffered con-
tributions, very different, as. I thought, from the shoal of verses per-
petually setting through the office of such a periodical, and possessing
much more merit. Its authoress was quite unknown to me. She
was one Miss Mary Berwick, whom I ha.d never heard of; and she
was to be addressed by letter, if addressed at all, at a circulating
library in the western district of London. Through this channel
Miss Berwick was informed that her poem was accepted, and was
invited to send another. She complied, and became a regular
and frequent contributor. Many letters passed between the journal
and Miss Berwick, but Miss Berwick herself was never seen. . . .
This went on until December, 1854, when the Christmas Number,
entitled The Seven Poor Travellers, was sent to press. Happen-
ing to be going to dine that day with an old and dear friend,
distinguished in literature as ' Barry Cornwall, ' I took with me
an early proof of that number, and remarked, as I laid it on the
drawing-room table, that it contained a very pretty poem, written
by a certain Miss Berwick. Next day brought me the disclosure
I 8 'Journals and 'Journalism.
that I had so spoken of the poem to the mother of its writer, in its
writer's presence ; that I had no such correspondent in existence
as Miss Berwick ; and that the name had been assumed by ' Barry
Cornwall's ' eldest daughter, Miss Adelaide Anne Procter. This
anecdote," continues Mr. Dickens, "strikingly illustrates the
honesty, independence, and quiet dignity of the lady's character.
I had known her when she was very young ; I had been honoured
with her father's friendship when I was myself a young aspirant ;
and she had said at home, 'If I send him in my own name verses
that he does not honestly like, either it will be very painful to
him to return them, or he will print them for papa's sake, and not
for their own.' "
We do not say, then, that an introduction based on its writer's
knowledge of the bearer's personal worth is never to be used — ■
only that it will not avail unless along with the personal worth
there is also professional skill. Nor is there any objection to a
practice of addressing " copy " to an editor by name ; for he may
take as a compliment, to be rewarded perhaps by a careful con-
sideration of the MS., this recognition of his individuality — a
recognition which is not an offensively intrusive one. But we do
warn all beginners against attempts to bring personal influence up
the editorial back-stairs, instead of taking their chance fairly and
frankly with the great army of unknown volunteers.
HE main difficulty in journalism, as in so
many of the affairs of life, is the start.
The very uncertainty of the final accept-
ance and success of contributions doubly
disinclines the unenterprising man for the
effort — often a supreme effort — of com-
position. Many great writers have put off
unsheathing the pen as long as they could
possibly afford to be idle. If Thackeray had not lost in two years
the fortune he inherited when he came of age, he would probably
not have become first a contributor to the press, and then the author
of "Vanity Fair " ; nor did the stimulus of success ever conquer his
incurable dislike for steady work. A practised journalist will often
confess to an utter incapacity to produce copy except under pressure
of necessity. If he has a week for his task, he makes no progress
until the last days. If he has a day for it, the m.orning and
afternoon go, and though he sits over his paper and ink, nothing
is done ; but at night, when the minutes left to him for the fulfil-
ment of his engagement are precious, he gets into full swing, and
20, journals and 'Journalism.
writes both rapidly and well. In short, the knowledge that the
printers are waiting for his copy is not uncommonly the only
source of the journalist's inspiration. Mere dislike, then, for the
mental and manual labour in the production of copy need not be
taken by the literary beginner to belie his aspirations, and will
not necessarily interfere with his final success.
But obviously it is well to lessen this reluctance as far as possible.
And this can often be done by observing a rule which, on other
grounds, must be always before the eyes of the novice, viz., to
be himself in all he writes. Longfellow's advice to the sculptor,
*' That is best which lieth nearest ;
Shape from that thy work of art,"
is equally applicable to him. Individuality, where it is not
eccentric, ill-timed, or out of taste, is a precious quality in an
author. Of course he must not ride his veriest hobbies (though
they are better than commonplaces) ; but without going to ex-
tremes he ought to show in all that he writes that he ^vrites it ;
and thus he will rouse the double interest of the work and of its
author in his readers. Of course, reporting in one form and
another is a leading feature of journalism, and is an art in itself;
and in ordinary reporting — not in special reporting, such as some of
Mr. Sala's, where no one would wish to forego the touches he gives
us of himself— it is well to lose sight of the reporters. By them.
How to begin. 21
indeed, impersonality must be cultivated as carefully as it ought to
be avoided by those whose work is of a less conventional order.
Supposing that a beginner has followed us thus far in what we
have written, has studied and kept the commandments which are
appended at the end of the book, has actually taken up his pen, and
written something because he feels it and wants to say it ; the next
step, now to be considered, is to forward the MS. to a publication into
the scope of which it comes, with or without an introduction, and
with or without an accompanying explanatory letter, subject to the
necessities of the case, and in accordance with the hints thrown
out in a past chapter. Presumably every young aspirant has his
favourite newspaper, and his pet magazine ; and on the model of
the writings that appear in these, he is almost sure at the outset,
unless he have rare originality, to mould his own. Two other
things are almost equally certain: that he will send his first-fruits to
the editor whose pages have indirectly produced them; and
secondly, that these first-fruits will have the blemishes which always
mark imitative art, and be condemned accordingly. If under
these circumstances the young author, in the bitterness of his
disappointment, tear up the MS. which has been courteously re-
turned to him, no great harm will be done. The destroying stage
is one through which all must pass, even the greatest; indeed, great
authors often regret they have not burned more than they did, as
may be seen from the efforts of Tennyson and Mrs. Browning to
22 'Journals and yournalism.
suppress poems published even after they were out of their teens ;
while Macaulay in his full maturity could not find a market for
everything he wrote, and there are MSS. of his, according to a
recent article in Belgravia, which still remain unpublished, and
which have been spared the flames to no other purpose than to
show that even a Titan's pen is sometimes wielded in vain.
But if the young author is tender about his first tentative
writing, and feels that it would be sweet to see it in print, even
though "there's nothing in 't," let him venture it again, in perhaps
a less ambitious quarter than before. For, above all things, let
him never be ashamed of humble beginnings. The most unpre-
tentious papers — even some of the cheap organs, not supposed to
be read by cultivated people — have been the nurseries of fair con-
temporary reputations among novelists. The literary annals of
the past abound with instances of the obscure commencement of
a literary career of distinction. Nearly half-a-century has elapsed
since Dickens's first effusion was "dropped stealthily, with fear and
trembling, into a dark letter-box, in a dark office, up a court in
Fleet Street ;" and when it appeared "in all the glory of print,"
his sensation of pleasure was the only remuneration he expected
or got. " On that occasion," he says, " I walked down to
Westminster Hall, and turned into it for half-an-hour, because
my eyes were so dimmed with joy and pride that they could
not bear the street, and were not fit to be seen there." Other
How to begin. 23
and more substantial recompense he had none ; and before he
broke his connection with the Old Monthly Magazine, he
modestly wrote to the editor intimating that, as he had hitherto
sent all his contributions gratuitously, he would now be glad if
the " sketches " were thought worthy of any small remuneration,
otherwise he would be obliged to discontinue them, as he was
going to get married, and thus incur additional domestic expense.
Thackeray's first literary work is
lost in the forgotten pages of the A yVp //X> "^
Constitutional John Ruskin's ' V ^ "^^VaVjPOJ^>v^^
first editor was — a clerk in the
Crown Life Office ! in whose Friendships Offering the great art
critic wrote verses at fifteen.
The distinguished author of >^ /^ ' ^
Self-Help made his maiden ^'^-,f^/y ^^^Jt-t^t-^i^J^
pearance in the Edinburgh Weekly ^-^ ^
Chronicle (now dead), and had, a little later, very practical
journalistic experience as editor of the Leeds Times. Hepworth
Dixon began a literary career of
great profit and some honour, by / \ /) ^ {\ ^ ' /n^^
contributions to the obscure local Wi ^ W^^jJ^JJtw^^^
press, indited from the desk
of a merchant's office ; and he subsequently served a hard
apprenticeship to letters as editor of a Cheltenham paper. There
are hundreds of similar cases among living writers.
24 'Journals and yournalism.
All this should impress on the beginner that he must be
humble at the outset. And with this humility, there must also
be great diligence. Manuscripts must be sent from editor to
editor; if they are refused by one, they will sometimes be
accepted by another. Persistence is the secret of success ; it is
wearying work, no doubt ; but how often crowned with triumph
will be shown in the chapter entitled " Declined with Thanks."
If all refuse them, fresh MSS. must be put in circulation, one
after another in succession, until some have found a satisfactory
destination, and these latter will probably help the others to
obtain one too. This is a common way of getting a footing
in periodical literature, and one which we have heard perhaps
the most experienced editor in London recommend to young
men who came to him for counsel. Another way is to take
an inferior post on the literary staff of a daily paper, turning
the hand to all the odds and ends of sub-editing and general
reporting, and thus gradually qualifying for a more responsible
position. Another and most inviting entrance into the republic of
letters is that of short-hand reporting. This offers the advantage
of a certain income, the enjoyment of which gives a man opportu-
nity to turn round and see what his literary capacity is ; and if that
capacity stand him in good stead, he can combine its exercise with
his duties in the gallery of the House of Commons, or wherever
they may be ; if it do not, he has a staff to lean on that is not
How to begin. 25
only a walking-stick, but a crutch. Charles Dickens, as every-
one knows, began life as a re-
porter. So did Justin Mc
Carthy, M.P. ; and so did many AMlS. J^^^ a/i^^^^
others who now fill prominent
journalistic places. The boy, therefore, who desires to embrace
the literary calling, can prepare himself for it as soon as he is
in his teens, by learning stenography ; and when the time comes
for him to make a serious choice of a profession, he will find that
the conventionally interposing parent, who, having the vision of
Chatterton's suicide and Johnson's poverty always before him,
would not allow his son to trust to literature as a means of
subsistence, will offer no objection to his practising reporting — a
lucrative and steady career. And once in communication with the
world of editors and journalists, the young short-hand writer will
soon feel his way to whatever he is fit for in literary labour. Again,
a few beginners have first accepted posts in the commercial
department of a newspaper office, and, having come so near
to the editorial sanctum, at last enter it, reUnquishing their
mechanical work as they are able to get other that is more to
their minds. This preliminary desk-work is drudgery, no doubt,
just as it was in a la^vyer's office to young Disraeli and to
Lever ; so also is reporting ; but those who undertake these
duties often do so to meet manfully and legitimately the natural
26 'Journals and Journalism.
wishes of parents, who, as old Isaac DisraeH says, see in the
son who opposes them in the choice of a calling, and whom
posterity may recognize as a genius, only the wilful and rebellious
child. And, indeed, by the endurance of this drudgery young
aspirants show of what metal they are made, and prove that
they have confidence in themselves and in their true vocation — a
confidence which, when it has stood so practical a test, rarely
turns out to be misplaced. Other employments than those
which we have named, connected with the production of a
journal, may sometimes be the preparatory stages of a hterary
career, but are not of a nature that would lead us to recommend
their adoption to that end. The "reader," who cudgels his
brains over the " proofs " of what others have written, occasionally
begins to write himself Even the printer has been known to
make his way into the editor's or author's chair, and to fill it
with credit — seldomer, perhaps, in England, where Douglas
Jerrold was among the number, than in America, where Franklin,
Horace Greeley, Bennett, Bret Harte, and Artemus Ward, with
many others only less renowned, once stood at the compositor's
O consolations that we can here offer will
be able to mitigate the sting of a first —
or, indeed, of a second or of a third — re-
ception of this courteous but inexorable
form of refusal. It is not until after one
or two acceptances of MS. that a rejection
becomes in any degree tolerable. When
the acceptances outnumber the rejections,
indeed, " Declined with thanks " will generally cease to cause a
serious pang. At that happy time, too, it will matter little to an
author whether his refusal come to him in these laconic words, or
in the longer forms which are designed to save his sensitiveness
by a vague suggestion of some rather unusual reason for the
return of good work. But to the novice the form really makes
some difference ; to hear that his copy is " not suitable " for the
pages of this or that paper gives him the comforting reflection
that he has in some way failed to hit the editor's individual taste,
or that his subject is considered to be one that could be more
appropriately treated elsewhere. Still more gently is he soothed
2 8 'Journals and 'Journalism,
if his pill come to him gilded with an intimation that an unusual
press of matter has prevented the appearance in print of his con-
tribution. The following note illustrates this more tender editorial
mood : —
" The editor of the Contemporary Review is much obliged by
Mr. 's offer of his paper. It is too able an article not to
have been read with interest, but the editor regrets to say that it
is quite impracticable to find room for the topic. In reforwarding
the MS. ^ by this book-post, the editor begs to add his best
If the author accepts such little comforts resignedly, so much
the better. But so much the worse — very much indeed the worse
— if, being of a too persevering or persistent disposition, he should
argue the point with the well-meaning editor. Let him at all events
accept as final a refusal for which he may find any reason that
consoles him most ; to dispute the justice of the verdict, or even
to offer to alter, tone down, or improve the MS. with a view to
obtaining a more favourable resolution, is only to involve a busy
editor in an irritating waste of time, and to gradually discourage
the use of polite forms and, indeed, the return of rejected MSS.
at all. An unsuccessful author is really to be pitied if the work
of some months of thought and some days or weeks of laborious
penmanship finds its ignominious way into the editorial waste-
paper basket — a fate which, to the great credit of editors generally,
Declined with thanks. 29
very rarely befalls it, and this in spite of the dismal warnings
which are printed at the beginning or end of most periodicals to
the effect that unsuitable MSS. will never be returned. In view
of such ill-iortune at any time occurring to him, the beginner would
do well, in the case of serious and laborious work, to make
duplicates of his compositions by means of one or other of the
cheap and easily-worked contrivances for multiplying impressions ;
unless, indeed, as is likely to be the case, he has rough drafts, scored
with corrections, of the finally-approved MS. ready at hand to
work upon again. The more there are of these rough drafts the
better will it be, and the less likely that the writer will need to go
to them again ; for well has it been said — and this must be im-
pressed on the amateur's mind— that "the men who have the
fewest MSS. returned are the men who have taken the greatest
pains with their work." Macau-
layandCardinalNewman penned J?^^^;^y^^^^^^^^^,^_^^^^
many of their pages twice, thrice, (,
and oftener; George Henry
Lewes, after having an article returned from the Editiburgh^ thence-
forth re-wrote everything before submitting it to a magazine ;
while in journalism Mr. Albany Fonblanque, we are told by
his nephew, Mr. Edward Barrington de Fonblanque, "fre-
quently wrote an article ten times over before it contented him,
and even then he very rarely read it after publication without
3© journals and 'Journalism.
wishing to re-write it." When, indeed, such articles as these, or
when poems and stories, which after a few weeks or months of
reflection do not appear to be immature to the authors themselves,
are returned, let them not be committed to the flames. At some
future date they will serve the writer's purpose ; especially if in
the meantime he has made a success by some other effort.
Thackeray's earlier compositions, both in prose and verse, which
either " the leading magazines had all refused to print " or the
public had refused to read, were all blazoned years afterwards
in the pages of the Cornhill; Nathaniel Hawthorne had a similar
experience in the new world ; and we have heard the editor who,
if we remember right, introduced " East Lynne " to the world,
say that Mrs. Henry Wood had at the time of that first success a
drawer full of tales which had been " returned with thanks " from
all directions, but which were afterwards printed, handsomely paid
for, and duly admired. Of course these are exceptional cases ; and
it will be better and wiser, as a rule, for the beginner to allow the
fugitive literary attempts, of which he himself may feel somewhat
uncertain, to take their chance, sink or swim, survive or die, as
fortune may immediately decide.
Stinging and discouraging and incapacitating as a "Declined with
thanks " may seem to the novice who for the first time tears open
the heartless packet which discloses to him the characters of his
own familiar hand, there is a solid and abundant consolation for
Declined with thanks. 31
him — as regards his hopes of ultimate success, at least — in the
long roll of precedent. The failures of men destined to be great
do not date from yesterday. Editors and publishers have declined
with thanks — and without them — the masterpieces of the world.
The ill-fortune of " Paradise Lost " is almost too hackneyed an
example to quote ; but perhaps everyone does not know, or does
not remember, that "Robinson Crusoe," which, were it ever by
possibility out of print, would be a European loss, went begging
through the circle of English publishers, until one, more specula-
tive but generally considered less discriminating than the rest,
consented to print the immortal book and to pocket a thousand
guineas at once by his venture. It is scarcely necessary to say
that " Robinson Crusoe " is one of the staple sources of profit to
a thousand publishers, and holds its own in spite of the innumer-
able desert islands which have studded the oceans of juvenile
fiction since the first appeared. And this almost unanimous
refusal encountered Defoe's attempt, not when he was young and
unknown, but after the estabHshment of his repute as a writer.
And to come to later examples, everyone knows how the author
of " Jane Eyre " wrote a novel in friendly competition with her
two sisters (the story is admirably told by Charlotte Bronte herself
in the pathetic introduction she wrote for an edition of Emily
Bronte's Wutherhig Heights)^ and how it went a weary round of
publishers, declined with thanks by each alike, but every time
32 'Journals and Journalism.
courageously despatched on its travels again by the indomitable
little Yorkshire governess until the signs (frankly unconcealed) of
so many rejections awoke some kindly interest, on the part
of Messrs. Smith and Elder's critic, in the battered MS. and
its persistent author. Thackeray, Charlotte Bronte's con-
temporary and friend, failed, and failed repeatedly, not only at
drawing, which he did badly, but at writing, which he did
eminently well, for his contributions, as we have already said,
were at first refused by all the leading magazines. Carlyle,
after being " edited " out of all
^^ f If recognition in the Edinburgh
I % ^^-'Gy'^ A-A-' Review^ was finally rejected
as a contributor altogether.
Mr. Kinglake's " Eothen," though composed with thought, and
the work of years, scrupulously revised, and, in fact, fulfilling
the Horatian maxim of delay, was utterly, unconditionally,
and irrevocably rejected by every publisher to whom the author
offered it. At last he found one who would consent to accept
the precious and classic little work as a present, judging
it just worthy of printer's ink and paper. Nor did " Eothen,"
after this disheartening beginning, instantaneously burst into
popularity like " Robinson Crusoe." At first it seemed that the
publishers were right, and that it would remain a failure to the
end ; but the event has brought a very different verdict. Anthony
Declined with thanks. 33
Trollope, in his middle . age the most read, as he is perhaps the
most readable, of novelists, was fain in early life to taste the bitter-
ness of rejection not once or twice; the judicious, easy, and always
refined pen which has now a fortune at command, gained an
income of ;^i2 5s. 7|d. in one of the first years of its labours,
and of ;^20 2s. 6d. in another. Hepworth Dixon experienced no
small difficulty in finding a publisher for his *' Memoir of Howard,"
which, when it was at last issued, went through three editions
within a year. The great American historian. Motley, had his
" Dutch Republic " returned with thanks ; a similar fate befell
Carlyle's " French Revolution ; " and Lingard's history, which
every year commands more attention and esteem, also shared the
doom of refusal. Lord Brougham was rejected; Jeffrey, the
rejector, was rejected ; George Eliot herself is said to have been
rejected until she found a mascuhne advocate in George Henry
Lewes ; but George Henry Lewes was rejected ! Indeed, it is
easier to say who has not, than who has, undergone that blank
moment of chilled and disappointed hope — our readers' experience
of which will, we trust, be limited.
And to this end, let it be alwiiys remembered that the tact
which produces viarketabh work is sometimes more useful than the
talent which produces good work. Unhappily, the two things are
not always identical. A composition of real power and originality
may in fact, and not merely in the terms of editorial courtesy, be
B 2
34 Journals and Journalism,
unsaleable because it is unjournalistic in manner or inopportune
to the time. This fact should not fail to soften disappointments.
And furthermore, if a rejected beginner should be tempted
to indulge the frame of mind most fatal to all his chances of
success — a conviction of personal injury — he should restore a
healthy tone to his mind by believing, what is tl^ truth, that
editors are kind, through a fellow-feeling and a remembrance of
their own apprenticeship ; and just, through a fair consideration of
self-interest. Let him reflect for a moment on the number of
newspapers, reviews, and magazines which are produced daily,
weekly, and monthly in England, and on the number of pens at
work upon only one issue of one of these, and he will easily
perceive that the competition for securing good contributions is
very keen and very busy. " Returned with thanks," is not likely
to be written without a reason. When, therefore, publishers and
editors have fallen into real mistakes, as in the famous instances
we have cited, allowance must simply be made for their fallibility
as men who have to gauge the taste of a whimsical and often
irrational public, and who sometimes gauge it wrong. No one
could foretell with certainty that " Jane Eyre " would take the
country as it did ; and in Thackeray's case it was no editorial
caprice which condemned him to a period of obscurity, for the
public at first altogether failed to taste the peculiar flavour of his
genius, thus in a manner justifying the rejection : for an editor's
Declined with thanks. 35
office is not to defy, but half to guide and half to wait upon, the
public. " So your poor Titraarsh has made another fiasco,"
wrote Thackeray, when a little volume of his failed. " How are
we to take this great stupid public by the ears ? Never mind ; I
think I have something which will surprise them yet." The
"something" proved to be "Vanity Fair;" and the "great stupid
public " whose good word he was too wise to underrate even
while he smiled at its slowness, awoke to the full knowledge of
one more great author, and will never forget him.
But what we have said would fail of half its purpose were it
only to offer a balm to the wounds of the young author whose
MS. has been returned or silently consigned to the editorial
waste-paper basket. It is also intended to inculcate industry,
perseverance, and a courage that does not flag because the first
effort, or the fifth, is a failure. " We should certainly shrink," says
the Saturday Review, cynical in the consciousness that it possesses
an adequate staff of its own, " from the responsibility of recom-
mending perseverance to the writers of rejected MSS. ; but,"
and this is the part of the paragraph which it is to our point to
quote here, " we cannot deny that unflinching perseverance
sometimes succeeds at last." Instead of " sometimes " we should
be inclined to use a more encouraging word, because we are
convinced that among the aspirants for literary honours the
minority, and not the majority, are incapable. Of course, worth-
36 'Journals and Journalism.
less writing will gain nothing by the persistence of the writer ; but
the best authors our literature has known would, without persis-
tence, have failed to obtain for their genius that recognition which
is its very life.
GOOD deal has happened since Charles
Lamb wrote paragraphs for sixpence
apiece in the Morni?ig Post ; though it
must not be forgotten that the age of
pence has given place to an age of
shillings, not only in literature, but in
everything else ; and the paragraphists of
to-day's Pall Mall, who get about sixpence
for a single line, spend that sixpence with an ease to which, fifty
years ago, they would have been strangers. Bearing this in mind, the
case of Southey may be taken as typical, not so much of the active
journalist as of the reviewer and essayist, both of that and of this
day ; and it is not a comfortable one to contemplate. " Prose,"
writes Sir Henry Taylor of his friend, " having been almost the
only resource of one who was at once an eminent poet, and in
general literature the most distinguished writer of his age (Mr.
Southey), his example may be fairly adduced as showing what can
be made of it under the most favourable circumstances. By a
small pension and the office of Laureate (yielding together
38 yournals and 'Journalism.
about ;^2oo per annum) he was enabled to insure his life to make
a moderate posthumous provision for his family ; and it remained
for him to support himself and them, so long as he should live,
by his writings. With unrivalled industry, infinite stores of know-
ledge, extraordinary talents, a delightful style, and the devotion of
about one-half of his time to writing what should be marketable
rather than what he would have desired to write, he defrayed the
cost of that frugal and homely way of life which he deemed to be
the happiest and the best. But at sixty years of age he had never
yet had one year's income in advance, and when between sixty and
seventy His powers of writing failed, had it not been for the timely
grant of an additional pension his means of subsistence would
have failed too." We have spoken of this as a typical case, yet it
is hardly so except in its disheartening pecuniary results, for in its
conditions it was made more than typically favourable by Southey's
ability, his pension, his connexions, and his quite enormous
industry. In saying that these results represent literary rewards,
not only in that day, but in our own, we make a statement to
which Mr. James Payn — who recently contributed to the Nineteenth
Century a bright article which, if he will permit us to say so,
never allows us to forget that its author is a writer of romance —
will doubtless demur. " Poor Paterfamilias," he says, " looking
hopelessly about him, like Quintus Curtius in the riddle, for a
nice opening for a young man, is totally ignorant of the oppor-
Pounds^ Shillings^ and Fence, 39
tunities, if not for fame and fortune, at least for competency and
comfort, that literature now offers to a clever lad. He believes,
perhaps, that it is only geniuses that succeed in it ; or, as is more
probable, he regards it as a hand-to-mouth calling, which to-day
gives its disciples a five-pound note -and to-morrow five pence.
He calls to mind a saying about literature being a good stick, but
not a good crutch — an excellent auxiliary, but no permanent
support ; but he forgets the all-important fact that the remark
was made half a-century ago." This is all very well from that
most fortunate of literary men, a clever and successful novelist,
who shines in a sphere of the profession which cannot wrll at any
time be overcrowded. He, clearly, is not in a position to judge
either for the average essayist or for the journalist proper.
And here let us pause a moment to make a necessary distinction
between two divisions of the profession we are considering, litera-
ture and journalism — taking literature to mean broadly the
writing of books, magazines, and reviews, and journalism the writing
for newspapers. These are distinct in the talents, character,
aims, and remunerations which they imply. A journalist is bound
to be a man of the world, as an author is bound to be a student.
The former developes a capacity for representing his era, for
letting the general opinion speak through him even while he helps
to guide it. He produces work which is eminently marketable ;
and the more of this quality appears in his writings, the more
40 'Journals and 'Journalism.
successful he will be. Mr. Sala
jTt ^ rr / is a king among journalists ; his
Z ' '' *^ success is pre-eminent, proverbial;
yet it is said that he is wont to
tell his friends that he took to journalism because he failed,
only comparatively, of course, in literature. That there are
differences in the requisite talents, therefore, is clear. Not a few
are able to combine the two things, to be at once students and
men of the world, but in these instances journalism generally is
subservient to authorship, or vice versa, according to the state of
the author's mind or of his finances — for these two branches of the
profession differ, as we have said, not only in the qualifications
they require, but also in the scale of their rewards.
Southey, of course, belonged to Uterature; and w'e shall first
consider what work of the same order as his, which was
wretchedly paid then, is valued at in the market now. Fiction
we leave out of the question; the price it fetches is far in
excess of that which is given for prose writing of any other
kind, and is magnificent. And this, whatever may be said, was
the case half-a-century ago as it is now — was so when Walter
Scott annually made ;!^ 10,000 for several years, quite as much
as when George Eliot received for "Romola" ;^8,ooo. Other
literary labour cuts a sorry figure in comparison. Were not
Mr. Payn, who probably commands his fifty shillings a page for
Pounds, Shillings, and Pence. 41
fiction, a writer of novels, he
would give a less seductive (J
view of the profits of the J- /Z^P^-^^^
literary career. For the pound ^
which the Nineteenth Century, and the Contemporary, and the
Quarterly pay for a printed page is quite the highest regulation
rate of remuneration for the periodical essayist and reviewer.
The shilling monthhes give Ofi an average rather under than over
half that sum ; while in a certain high-class weekly, a long book-
notice, which has, perhaps, involved the patient study of two
bulky volumes, and which, when done conscientiously, has
consumed some five or six days, has only ^£2 as its pecuniary
equivalent. Another literary weekly^ where, again, the work
involves the twofold task of reading and writing, pays los. a
column; and other papers, of less eminence, in proportion.
This might be very fair remuneration were not work of the
kind difficult to get, and doled out in minute portions, week
by week, month by month, quarter by quarter. The magazines,
reviews, and literary papers of standing can almost be counted on
the fingers ; and with an army of applicants for an appearance in
their pages, no one man, hov/ever brilliant he may be, can have
anything like a monopoly. Perhaps hardly a single writer on
any of the weekly literary papers has an article inserted every
week throughout the year ; yet, if he had, his total earnings would
42 'Journals and yournalism,
only amount to a sum which it would be a mockery to speak
of, in the ordinary sense, as an income. Do the monthly maga-
zines offer better rewards ? If in one or other of them a single
writer made one monthly appearance (and what a brilliant writer
he would be !), the result would certainly be less than ;£iS^
per annum ; yet the amateur, seeing that writer's name in the
Cornhill one month, in Macmillan the next, in The Contemporary
the month after, would, perhaps, imagine him to be rolling in
wealth. It is hardly a secret that even Mr. Mallock, who not
only writes well, but has caught the public ear, and whose work
is welcomed by The Nineteenth Century, The Contemporary, and
Tlie Edinburgh, has hitherto made an income by his pen quite
insufficient to allow him to regard literature as his career.
Poetry, like fiction, is exceptional ; the former being, in a
general way, as much less, as the latter is more, remunerative
than other literary work. Of course the public has its one prime
poetical favourite, and pays him well, though not better now (as
Mr. Tennyson would feelingly assure Mr. Payn) than it did fifty
years ago. Until last year the Laureate received, from one firm,
annually ^^4,000 for his copyrights ; but there is only room for
one Tennyson at a time. Walter Scott got 2,000 guineas for the
'* Lady of the Lake," but Walter Scott had to abandon poetry
as soon as Lord Byron appeared ; and while Lord Byron was
calculating one morning that he had made ;^24,ooo by poetry,
Pounds^ Shillings, and Pence. 43
Shelley was complaining of the printer's bill he had to defray
out of his own pocket. Poetry like Southey's paid little in that
day, and would pay less now. Mr. Browning's receipts may be
smaller than those of some of the veriest hacks in prose.
Mr. Edwin Arnold would probably get more for a dozen political
leaders, hastily thrown off, than for the " Light of Asia," a work
of scholarly erudition, of inspired poetry, and the outcome of
half a lifetime of Oriental study and sympathy — a work which has
fixed his place among the English bards. And Mr. Aubrey
de Vere — whom Landor loved, and whom Sir Henry Taylor
names in the same breath with Wordsworth — would probably
have to confess that his lifelong service of the muse brought him
less than his handful of articles in the Edinburgh years ago,
containing, in all, the prose writing of perhaps a single month.
The magazine verse of to-day is excellent, and is paid for in
the best quarters at the rate of about half-a-crown a line; in
others, two guineas, a guinea, and even half-a-guinea are the sums
given for a short set of verses. And the supply of such poetry
is, of course, largely in excess of the demand. Clearly, then, in
all these cases, literature, while an excellent stick, and one which
we would encourage amateurs to use, is decidedly unsafe as
a crutch.
But journalism can give a somewhat better account of itself.
Those arts which bring their votaries into close contact with men,
44 Journals and journalism.
and into the full light of publicity, are usually enriched with the
rewards attending effective performance. The musician who
creates — the composer — is seldom fortunate in his lifetime, while
the musician who performs — the singer — has the wealth of kings
at his feet. This case is rather an exaggeration of that of author
and journalist; still there is a resemblance : the journalist gets the
ear of the public; his writing is good performance, rather than
creation, for it must be not so much original as interpretative,
both of public opinion and of the collected literary opinions
of the world.
The work of the journalist is in constant demand ; his organs
infinitely outnumber the organs of literature, and they appear
weekly, daily, and twice a day, instead of once a quarter, once
a month, and once a week. Every daily, for instance, gives
employment to a large and well-rewarded staff. There are the
editor, the sub-editors, the special correspondents, the regularly
retained leader-writers, most of whose salaries, in the case of the
Times — naturally the most profitable daily to be connected with —
go into four figures ; nor are the other London dailies far behind
the leading organ in the remuneration of their staff. The work is
wearing, no doubt; but the pecuniary returns are sufficient to
tempt able men to undertake it, and to make it a career which a
man who has no private means, and who wishes to prosper
in the world and to provide for his family, can afford deliberately
Pounds, Shillings, afid Pence. 45
to enter on. But for the dailies, destitution would stare many a
journalist in the face. And not only does each maintain its estab-
lished staff, which, in the case of the Tijncs, is, of course, immense ;
but it also gives employment to a large class of journalistic
irregulars, who turn their hands to anything — the unattached
(sometimes by their faults, and sometimes by their misfortunes)
penny-a-liners — three-halfpence-a-liners, would be nearer the mark
— of the press. Always living from hand to mouth, and often
on the verge of destitution, this large body of literary casuals
includes in its ranks three principal classes — that of the men of
briUiant powers and education, in whom the quality of sustained
industry is wanting, and who might have developed into
Macaulays but for this deficiency ; that of the industrious, who
are useful and handy, but whose capacity is mediocre ; and that
of the possessors of both talent and perseverance who work when
and how they can, no assured position having yet fallen to their
lot. That such men as these are often hungry is a fact, and one
of the saddest facts of modern intellectual life. Even the new
world has to tell the same story. "Two-thirds of all the working
journalists of the country," says a writer in Harper's Monthly,
"receive less than the wages of good mechanics," "I beheve
the majority of us," says an American journalist, Mr. A. F. Hill,
"have passed through the hard-up days. What is the use of
denying it? I have worked for five dollars a. week, and slept on
46 'Journals and Journalism.
a pile of exchanges. I have seen the time when ' circumstances
over which I had no control ' dictated to me the necessity — not
merely the propriety — of eating plainer food than I would have
liked — plainer food than the kind I needed, and of not even
wasting any of that. I have seen the time when a person I know
very intimately has gone without food for days at a time, and that
when in excellent bodily health, and blessed (?) with an unusual
appetite. I have seen the days of threadbare clothes, of dilapidated
shoes, and a ' shocking bad hat ; ' and when it brought the
hot blood to my face to hear careless and happy and well-fed and
well-clothed people merrily singing the chorus of a well-known
song :
" Too proud to beg, too honest to steal,
We know what it is to be wanting a meal ;
Our tatters and rags we try to conceal.
We belong to the ' Shabby Genteel.' "
Such experiences as these are not unknown among some of our
own most painstaking journalists who seem to be fairly busy, and
some of whom are, in fact, on the high road to fame. The world
hears little about such poverty as this, but it is none the less real ;
nay, if it were a little less so, there would be less of a sensitive
desire to lock it in silence. When The Edinburgh was pro-
jected in Jeffrey's elevated lodging, Sydney Smith proposed as its
Pounds^ Shillings, and Pence. 47
motto, Temii musam meditamur avenct (we cultivate literature on
a little oatmeal) ; but the phrase was not adopted, because, as a
matter of fact, it came so near the truth. However, the pecuniary
result of the Edmburgh brings us back to a brighter train of
thought. The journaHst sometimes rises to a position of wealth
and honour, not only as an editor, but also as a newspaper pro-
prietor. If he have the tact and talent to start a really successful
journal on his own account, he comes on a pecuniary windfall ;
such a one, for instance, as is the World to Mr. Edmund Yates.
This, of course, is an idyllic state of things ; where the author is
selling and profiting by his own wares without being preyed on
unconscionably by publishers and middle-men.
But if it is comparatively rare that the functions of author and
publisher can be united in one man, it is not so, as we have
already hinted, in regard to the functions incidental to the two
divisions of the writer's profession — literature and journalism.
Many men are able to practise at once in the one and the other,
and this capability lightens up some of the gloomier facts we have
noted in a separate consideration of the two branches of the career.
The two things work together, as nearly every writer knows. The
votary of literature, in the sense in which we have used the word,
may turn his hand to just so much journalism as will keep " the
pot boiUng ; " while the journalist pleasantly and profitably stops
the rapid and ephemeral exercise of his anonymous pen, to indite
48 'Journals and 'Journalism.
something of a graver or more imaginative order to which he has
the novel satisfaction of appending his name.
The following memorandum, which has been supplied to us by
a young litterateur, whose experience may be taken as representa-
tive of that of a fairly successful and industrious member of his
profession, will not be without an interest for those who are about
to adopt literature as a career : —
" At the age of twenty-five, having scribbled in a purposeless,
unprofessional way for several years, I suffered a reverse of fortune
which made me exceedingly anxious to increase my diminished
private means. Literature seemed the only thing ready to hand.
I consulted two or three friends who already held nlore or less
prominent positions on the press, and I found that the more
successful they were the more hopeless was the prospect they held
out of my chances of making money, even in the most moderate
amounts. This I thought rather strange, but I remembered that
the author of the celebrated crutch and stick saying was Walter
Scott, who made, all the same, a gigantic fortune by his pen, and
I determined to show my discouraging advisers what I could do.
I was told that the ' Society papers ' paid better than any others,
and that there was more opening on them than on the older
journals, which had already a huge literary connexion. This I
found to be the fact, and, although I tried valiantly to get a market
for serious work, it had far less acceptance than had the * trifles
Founds, Shillings y and Pence. 49
light as air' which I tossed off in other directions. I had several
introductions to editors — and they ended in nothing : my work
was my only introduction to the papers on which I got employ-
ment— a fact which I recommend to the notice of the amateurs
for whose benefit you are writing. I find that I have kept a
record of my third year's labour, I had about 200 paragraphs
in The World ; a still greater number, and ten articles besides, in
another society paper ; thirty paragraphs in Truth ; five articles in
The Queen; three articles in The Spectator; a poem in Good
Words ; a poem in The Quiver ; thirty-five articles in different
monthly magazines ; fifty-two columns of London correspondence
in a provincial paper (at 1 2S. 6d. a column) ; twenty-six London
letters in a Colonial paper (at 10s. a letter) ; and a few odds and
ends besides. These are the accepted contributions, but they
represent little more than half of that which I actually wrote —
the balance having missed fire. My total proceeds were
;^247 135'. 2d. I often worked twelve hours a day, and I never
had a week's holiday. But, as you see, if I had not possessed a
trifle of my own, I could not have kept a decent roof over my
family's head. And yet I have often been told by other struggling
men that I am exceptionally lucky."
From this statement it will be seen that the writer had the
advantage of practice in both literature and journafism ; on the
other hand, lest the results should be unduly deterrent, let us note
50 'Journals and 'Journalism,
that he had no work on a daily, nor had he any subject to treat that
was pecuharly his own. The man with a specialty, the art critic,
or the dramatic critic, for instance, if he be really proficient, has
some advantages over his more versatile brother ; he may have to
compete very hard for his post, but, once having obtained it, he
has a monopoly on the particular paper with which he is con-
nected. Moreover, he is sometimes able in a sense to duplicate
his work, as did Mr. Tom Taylor,
^^ " \ /^^"^^ ^ ^ fo^ instance, when he criticised
'V'^^^^ ^^^/^-^""'^'^V^ pictures in both the Graphic and
The Times. And who shall say
that there are no good incomes to be made on newspapers while
mentioning the name of the late editor of Punch ?
Nor must it be forgotten that the Fleet Street journahst has
frequently, in addition to his London work, profitable employment
on a country paper. A great many leaders in the provincials are
the work of metropolitan pens ; and the London correspondence
also that appears in them affords scope for a good deal of literary
labour and enterprise. Many of these journals contain excellent
personal information, which was, in fact, the natural precursor of
the society journals — these latter supplying a place which the
I^ondon dailies failed to fill. There is, no doubt, an enormous
amount of trash written in the shape of London letters and
gossip ; but there is also much interesting and good matter, such
Pounds, Shillings, and Pence. 5 1
as it is natural enough that people should like to read. A few
country papers have a special wire, and telegraph every night a
London letter which contains " tips" usually sent in, as are the
paragraphs in the society papers, not by one man, but by many.
Some of these letters cost the proprietors from ^1,000 tO;^2,ooo
a year. It sometimes happens — Mr. Lucy's is a case in point —
that one man is able enough to take entire charge of a letter of the
kind, and by manifolding it for papers in different parts of the
country, can afford to do his work really well and to supply it
cheaply, at the same time securing a fair income. Then, again,
there is the London correspondentship for the Colonies, for the
United States, and all parts of the Continent. Some of these posts
are among the prizes of literature, ^ / .
and they fall to such men as Mr. M y / iJTrn J/izAA^
Joseph Hatton, a knight of the C^-^^f/U^ i^i^^^^i
pen who has fought and won in *
nearly every field of letters, and who is the English correspondent
of the New York Times.
If the reader should think that our illustrations in this chapter
have been somewhat conflicting, or complain that we arrive at no
definite deductions, we, for our part, must own to having been met
on our inquiry by many contradictions. But we shall not go far
wrong, nor raise false hopes or false fears, if we sum up by saying of
the incomes made by the writers in newspapers and magazines :
5 2 'Journals and Journalism.
Sufficient they may be ; fair, according to the infallible balance of
supply and demand, they must be ; but they are seldom brilliant.
There is probably bread to be had, in requital of industry and of
the indispensable capacity, for all who are likely to make a
serious profession of letters ; but there are few — very few — fortunes
to be won.
I. The Fair Side.
T is more effective to take the extreme
uplands or lowlands of exaggeration than
the vm media of fact. Consequently those
who have treated of journalism and litera-
ture as a profession have generally been
tempted to strike their readers' fancy by a
picturesque view of the advantages and
disadvantages of a calling in which the
pros and cons are in truth tolerably balanced. We all know the
starving author of tradition ; and if he is now somewhat out of
date we have still the constant repetition of a facile and rather
wearisomely conventional joke by which the labours of a labourer
who is, like all others, worthy of his hire, appear as a drug in the
market — witness the inevitable waste-paper basket which is thrown
at his head by Punch and other humourists when subjects for
jesting flag. There is, on the other hand, the couleur de rose
view which has recently been asserted in one or two quarters, not,
54 'Journals and 'Journalism.
of course, with an intention to mislead, but decidedly with the
effect of doing so, and this probably with serious consequences.
Our own task is to state advantages and disadvantages with the
single intention of making the truth stand forth, to encourage what
is now the widespread ambition of having a voice in the great
expression of public opinion, but to avoid the grave responsibility
of leading the inexperienced to cast themselves blindfold into a
career in which they may be doomed to disappointment. The fair
surface being the uppermost, we shall consider it first, and then
proceed to turn it over and to expose with all frankness the seamy
The advantages which journalism has at first sight over all other
professions are very obvious, and may be stated in the words of
Mr. Anthony Trollope and Mr, James Payn. " It is," says the
former, "a business which has its allurements. It requires no
capital, no special education, and may be taken up at any time
without a moment's delay. If a man can command a table, a
chair, pen, ink, and paper, he can commence his trade as a literary
man. It is thus that aspirants generally do commence it."
" There are," says Mr, Payn, " hundreds of clever young men who
are now living at home and doing nothing, who might be earning
very tolerable incomes by their pens if they only knew how."
While accepting these statements as containing part-truths, it is
necessary for a moment to give them certain limitations which
'Journalism as a Career. ^^
modify but do not refute the contention of the two authors. We
grant that it is possible for the hundreds of clever young men who
are able to continue to " live at home," and who have no impera-
tive necessity for doing something else, to make incomes which shall
be eminently " tolerable " under the circumstances. Journalism
on these conditions can hardly be called a career, or — what Mr.
Trollope calls it — a trade. It is a part-profession, an auxiliary of
more or less value and effectiveness in proportion to the cleverness
possessed by the young men in question. As for the training, it
is certainly not indispensable before making a first attempt ; but
every rejection which the young man undergoes (and he will have
many to endure) is a part of his training, and a part which he
would find very hard to bear if he were entirely dependent on his
pen. When Mr. Anthony Trol-
lope gives us the financial state- >^^ y^ y) /'^/02 >,
ment already quoted of the results '-'^-•^^ >^:»n/
of his first years of labour, is he
not in fact describing a particularly hard period of literary novice-
ship — a period which might be full of the bitterest privations,
occurring as it does at a time of life when a man is no longer
enjoying the parental care and support which are cheerfully
accorded to him in earlier years ? That such a noviceship and
preparation were tolerable, or perhaps possible, to Mr. Trollope is
simply due to the fact that he held at the time a position in the
56 'Journals and yournaHsm.
Post-office which was practically his profession, i.e., his means of
support, and hence that he was able to follow literature for a time
as an amateur. When he talks of an aspirant "commencing his
trade " with " a chair, pen, ink, and paper," his own experience
might have convinced him that it is hardly a trade which
is commenced with that stock, but rather a training for a
trade. The same holds good with Thackeray, only that instead of
a place in the Post-office he had at his back a small private fortune,
the larger part of which he devoted to buying literary experience — in
other words, he lost it in the attempt to float a couple of newspapers.
Another novelist and journalist, Mr. Edmund Yates, was, like
Mr. Anthony Trollope, in the Post-office, and thus able to exercise
his "prentice hand" at letters until such time as they should
yield him not only support but
"1^^^^ fortune. Mr. Wilkie ColUns, an-
other ultimately successful mas-
ter of fiction, had the support of
his father's help in the tea-trade first and afterwards in the law,
while his literary talents were under trial. It would certainly seem,
then, that technical training, with the sacrifice of time and money
which it necessarily implies, is generally deferred rather than fore-
gone ; that no special success, at any rate, is possible without it ;
and that even the humbler branches of journalism can ill afford to
dispense with it. No one, for instance, who has read Charles
'yournal'wn as a Career. ' 57
Dickens's description of the difficulties of mastering short-hand
related in the person of David Copperfield — the long study, the
fever in which Traddles's declamation and " my aunt's " " hear,
hear," were reported, and the impossibility of reading the report
when completed — will come to the conclusion that the science of
stenography, at least, needs no technical preparation.
Having made these modifications — a duty we feel bound to
perform even at the expense of our point — we conceive that there
remains in the modified version of the statements quoted an
advantage for the beginner in literature which justifies us in even
making a parade of them, and which will be missed by the
beginner in almost any other career. If it has been necessary
to guard the amateur against the supposition that without training,
and before he is out of his teens, he can make a good and support-
ing income by scribbling, we must still point out that he possesses
the opportunity afforded by hardly another profession, of carrying
on his training and his trade at the same moment. Even suppos-
ing that for the first five years of his labour all he wrote were
rejected, or printed without remuneration, he would be in no
worse position than his neighbour who is articled to a solicitor
but his MSS., if he has the making of a literary man in him at all,
will not be treated so badly as that. Anthony Trollope's first year's
real return for his literary labour was the experience he gained in
it, and with only that in almost any other profession he would
c 2
5 8 'Journals and Jourjialism.
have had to be satisfied ; but, as it was, he made a few pounds
besides. Thus the Uterary novice may know that even while he is
educating himself he can earn an income which, though it will be
insufficient to maintain him except in a Grub-street garret, will at
any rate contribute towards his support during a period in which
he would otherwise be more likely than not to depend for that
support wholly on his private resources. If Mr. Payn and Mr.
Trollope had borrowed the words of a recent writer in Belgravia,
who said, " Anyone can scribble — if he only knows how to spell ;
but writing is an art — one of the Fine Arts," and had added that
even scribbling, if fairly clever, is remunerated after a fashion,
while at the same time it trains the pen — they would perhaps have
stated their case in a more strictly accurate and intelligent way.
And even this text would have justified them, and justifies us, in
preaching the superiority of letters over almost any other career
in its beginnings.
We have already drawn a distinction between journalism and
other departments of letters. The apprenticeship over and a fair
success once attained, how does this branch of literature look
as a career ? That it is interesting, that it has the attraction of a
variety of thoughts and feelings, that it brings a man into close
connection with all the moving principles and large ideas of his
day, is sufficient reason why it should be loved. It compares
temptingly in this respect with those commercial pursuits which
Journalism as a Career, 59
are becoming every day more and more the necessary callings of
gentlemen. The banker must needs think money during the
whole of his working day, the tea-dealer perforce thinks tea, and
the wine-merchant wine ; politics, literature, social interests,
science and art are with them extra-professional, if, indeed, business
be not so paramount as to drive these almost entirely from the
field of thought. And the liberal vocations are Hmited more or
less to their own spccialite ; the artist is not called upon to know
much about letters, the politician may be profoundly ignorant of
painting, the savant generally considers himself privileged to hold
politics in supreme contempt, and the musician above all is apt to
dispense himself from the most ordinary interest in everything
that is not musical. Now, the litterateur is not only encouraged
but obliged to be various ; well for him ; he is so much the more
a man; and even if he choose some special "line" for the labours
of his pen, if he devote the best of his powers to "knowing
everything of something," he yet multiplies his resources, interests,
and pleasures by " knowing something of everything."
The earnest physician holds his profession to be a noble one
because it saves individual lives, but the journalist's career will
give him the opportunity of saving nations by his advocacy of
peace at a time when war is at once imminent and unnecessary.
He is the mainstay of the reformer and of the philanthropist,
who would labour in vain if unassisted by the soldier of the
6o journals and yournahsm.
pen. In a hundred instances journals have been the means
of raising large funds to meet emergencies of distress. We find
even a light paper like the Paris Figaro becoming the centre of
a widespread organization for the relief of indigence during a
winter of extreme severity. And an Irish priest writes from the
midst of a starving population to the correspondent of the
paper he names : " But for you and the Daily Telegraph I
know not how under Heaven I could have stayed famine here
To my last breath shall I remember you with undying affection and
gratitude." And in like manner, twenty years ago, The Times's
strenuous advocacy of the cause of English houseless poor in a
cold season resulted in a handsome sum for their relief Scarcely
less practical a charity is that which is performed by the press
when it exposes the frauds that would gain currency did they
escape its vigilance. This is a duty which has its dangers, as was
shown for instance in 1841, when The Times was instrumental in
detecting a scheme organized by a company to defraud by forgery
all the influential bankers of Europe, and when an exposure in its
columns brought on the proprietors an action for libel, Boyle v.
. Lawson, in which our law technically compelled the jury to give
a verdict for the plaintiff, with one farthing damages. A European
subscription was set on foot to reimburse the proprietors for their
immense outlay in legal expenses, but they declined the money,
"Journalism as a Career. 6 1
and the greater portion of it was finally spent in establishing
Times scholarships for Oxford and Cambridge at Christ's Hosjwtal
and the City of London School. Such are some of the lofty and
hmiianitarian inducements to enter the profession of letters ; while
the ardent politician, if he be entrusted with the direction of an
important paper, wields, as was once said of the editor of The
TitJtes, " a power as great as that of Governments and Legislatures."
Moreover, in all that he writes he has the inspiration not only of
his cause, but of knowing that he addresses an audience such as
his voice, were he an orator, could never cover — to the number, it
may be, of half-a-million. Nor are the incentives of the political
partizan wanting in the journalist whose 'predilection is for art,
and who cares to advance the interests of this or that school of
painting ; or whose passion is literature or music, and who wishes
to mould the public taste on his own : or who, as a private friend,
desires to say a good word for the artist, the actor, or the author
whose personality he loves, and whose work merits the recognition.
These are pleasures keen enough to make life worth living, and
they are peculiar to the literary career.
And journalism has not only its own rewards ; it is also " a
stepping-stone to higher things," and to more lucrative things.
Just as literature, apart from journalism, brought Bulwer a barony,
and Barry Cornwall and Forstcr profitable Lunacy Commissioner-
62 journals and 'Journalism,
-^ rt ships, and just as Mr. Edward
/ y "^Va^ A^' Jenkins, in 1874, had no other
^/?/ W/ ^^^"^^^^^"^ ' introduction to the electors of
' "* Dundee than " Ginx's Baby," so
also has journalism pure and simple its extraneous distinctions and
rewards. In the present Parliament the profession is more
numerously and strongly represented than it ever was before.
Mr. Passmore Edwards, who is proprietor of the Echo and of
a building journal, and to whom Mr, Gladstone recently wrote,
" You have been surpassed by none in the courage and constancy
with which you have contended through evil times for a just
policy abroad," sits for Salisbury ; while an ex-editor of the Echo^
Mr. Arthur Arnold, a brother of Mr. Edwin Arnold of the Daily
Telegraphy represents Salford. Newcastle-on-Tyne has given to
Mr, Joseph Cowen, proprietor
/^{} _ of the spiritedly conducted
*^ C--<^ Newcastle Chronicle, a colleague
in Mr. Ashton Dilke, pro-
prietor of the Weekly Dispatch,
^^ y ^f—y /"^^ ^^ ^^^ brother of Sir Charles
K.^^/^ /t-^=>»» ^^ Dilke, Chelsea's senior member,
himself the owner of the
Athenceu?n. Mr. Courtney, of The Times, retains his seat for
Liskeard, and the proprietor of that paper is still the member for
'Journalism as a Career, 63
Berks. Mr. Labouchere, part proprietor of the Daily News and
editor of Truths divides the representation of Northampton with
Mr. Bradlaugh, who projected the National Reformer. South-
East Lancashire sends to ParHament, in the person of Mr.
WiUiam Agnew, not merely a magnate among picture dealers, but
one of the proprietors of Punch. Mr. Beresford-Hope owns
the Saturday Revieza. Mr. Macliver, who won at Plymouth, is
the proprietor of the spirited Western Daily Press. Ireland
sends a strong contingent, among whom are Mr. Edward
Dwyer Gray, of the FreeiJian^s
Journal : Mr. A. M. Sullivan, late /^/^..^rTr;} — y ^^
editor of the Nation; his bro- ^7^ . ft^^t^^^^^ "^
ther, T. D. Sullivan, now the
editor and proprietor of that
paper, and Mr. Sexton, the latter's
associate editor ; Mr. T. P. ' j y{ / /y ' j
O'Connor, author of the scathing ' K*k<'U^-<^^ .
Life of Lord Beaconsfield; Mr. F.
H. O'Donnell, a hard-working ^ ^ /fL.^ %^
journalist on the London press ; i/\ ^. ^ ^^«rx*-'^-*-'<^'^7
Mr. Lysaght Finigan, Mr. Parnell's
" lieutenant " — and Mr. Justin
McCarthy, novelist, historian, ^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
and leader-writer on the Daily
64 'Journals and yournalism.
News. Mr. Alfred Austin, indeed, whose name has long been
rescued from the anonymity of leader-writing or book-reviewing in
the Standard by achievements in the open literary world, tried for
a seat and failed ; so did Mr. Thomas Gibson Bowles, of Vanity
Fair ; so did Mr. John Morley, editor of the Fortnightly and the
Pall Mall Gazette; and so did Sir Algernon Borthwick, of the
Morning Post, who was consoled by a knighthood for his narrow
electoral defeat. Some of these names — those belonging to the
inheritors of wealthy newspaper proprietorships, for instance— do
little to point our moral ; but there are others among them
which rejDresent men who do distinctly owe to their connection
with the journalistic world, and to it alone, their position in life
and in the legislature.
Then, again, journalism has supported men while they kept
terms and were called to the bar ; witness, as one among many,
the late Hepworth Dixon, who also obtained temporary but
lucrative Exhibition Commissionerships, and was, moreover,
invited to contest Marylebone in 1868. Once a barrister, the
journalist may go on to higher things still, even till he shall occupy
the woolsack itself, like Lord Chancellor Campbell, who walked
from Scotland with the traditional trifle in his pocket to begin
life as a reporter on the Morning Chronicle. The same paper
gave the same employment to Dickens, who, like many others,
passed from this more mechanical rank of journalism, not to the
yoiirnalism as a Career. 65
law, but to authorship — to a more sympathetic, human, and
briUiant fame. Such emphatically was his who, young and utterly
alone in the world, unhelped by word or act of man, serving
letters alone and aided by them only, reached an unshared
throne of renown in the memory and love of men.
11. The Seamy Side,
AVING examined the fair side, we proceed
to explore the seamy. And on turning
up the other surface, one sees at a
glance that what was on the first sight an
ornament, shows through the stuff, and
appears here with a reverse and a very
ugly effect. In other words, the gain
of the journalistic beginner in being able
to dispense in part with an apprenticeship, and in requiring no
heavy stock-in-trade before he begins, or tries to begin, business,
has, from another point of view than that which we took in
the last chapter, its serious disadvantages. For this very ease,
and this partial exemption from the responsibilities and difficulties
of other callings, inevitably give to literature somewhat of the
character of a fis-aller. A boy is rarely brought up to a pro-
fession for which a bringing up does not seem a necessity ; he
rather turns to it in after years when he has failed elsewhere,
through loss of fortune, through incapacity in the calling chosen
for him, or because that calling has disappointed his hopes.
And, besides being a pis-aller through its exemption from training,
'Journalism as a Career. 67
literature is calculated to be an over-crowded profession through
its exemption from the usual preliminary sacrifice of capital — two
immunities which must always tend to keep down the profits of
literary work. Moreover, they induce a large number of people
to make literature a part-career, thus damaging it for those who
have no other means of support. With far more justice than the
tradesman could the journalist cry out against the Government
Office men, whose contributions (and on official paper too !) pour
into the editorial letter-boxes of London ; but he does not do so ;
he frankly accepts the conditions of his calling, though he may
momentarily regret, when he hears of men with large public or
private incomes writing at a price which entails semi-starvation
if entirely depended on for support, that there is not a little more
trade unionism among authors. And yet, curiously enough, it is
exactly these semi-professionals whom we have heard denouncing
in the most unmeasured terms the miserable pittance to be
earned on the press — a proceeding which always reminds us of
the case of the man who, having murdered his father and mother,
appealed to the court for mercy because he was an orphan.
Those who are mentally or physically incapable of hard work,
will find a seamy side indeed to the journalistic career. Above
all things it is laborious — not as practised in the ad libitum
manner of the beginner, who may or may not, as he feels inclined,
produce his day's task; but as followed by the professional
68 journals and Journalism.
journalist, who has achieved, say, the somewhat eminent success
of a post on the staff of a fairly good daily paper. In that
position an amount of application which would bring name and
fame to the barrister, the clergyman or the doctor, only suffices
for the bare fulfilment of his duty. Say he is a special corre-
spondent ; his fate is as little in his own hands as is that of the
Jesuit priest whom we have been taught to commiserate, because
he is liable to be ordered by his general to change his address from
Mount Street, Berkeley Square, to India, or China, at a moment's
notice. The newspaper correspondent, without the stimulus of a
religious motive, but simply as part of the year's labour that
secures him what a successful barrister would hardly call a
decently good income, holds himself in daily readiness to start
for an exhibition in Sydney, or a royal wedding in Vienna, or a
funeral at Madrid ; or he is told off to study Nihilism on the spot,
in a Russian mid-winter ; or sent across a burning African desert
on perilous enterprise; nor is there ever a battle fought without his
presence, where English or European interests are involved. And
if the soldier and sailor in active service have a harder time than
the correspondent who accompanies them, it must not be forgotten
that he often shares their risks — a deadly climate, for instance,
is as fatal to him as to them — but gains none of their glory ; that
they are facing perils in fulfilment of their career, and he only as
an accident of his ; and that whereas they retire in middle life
'Journalism as a Career, 69
with half-pay and pensions, and often with titular distinctions, it
was never known, we suppose, that a newspaper correspondent
was idle till he came to the long obscurity of the grave. A retired
journalist, in the true sense of the word — that is to say, one who
retired on the money made in a purely journalistic career — is an
individual whose acquaintance we have yet to make.
Of course there are members of a newspaper staff who stay
at home at ease. Not much ease either, in the case, for instance,
of the political leader-writer, who turns night into day to work
upon latest information. For instance, Mr. Justin McCarthy,
before he was elected for Longford, was a diligent attender at the
House of Commons, listening in the gallery for the last word of a
Ministerial statement, or of an Opposition attack; and then, at
perhaps one or two o'clock in the morning, sitting down to finish the
leader which the readers of the Daily News conned over at break-
fast, or in early trains. Or, let us take the case of the sub-editor,
or co-editor, of another of the London dailies, whom we have in
mind. He is so chained to his work that he is only able to give a
dinner-party or to dine out once in the week (a limitation which
would be a substantial grievance to a man of equal eminence in
another profession) ; and on this solitary festive occasion he is often
obliged to leave his guests or his hosts to write a leader on some
unexpected event. He has only one morning — that of Saturday —
in which he can take the solace of gun or line, or mere country
yo 'Journals and 'Journalism,
air ; not only must he be up late at night, but he is impatient
to rise early in the morning, so that he may con the "latest
intelligence " of the rival dailies, to satisfy himself that they have
not outdone his own ; his brain is not only active with constant
production, but worn with responsibility ; and his annual holiday,
especially if the political times are stirring, is none too long.
Nor does the hard labour of the sub-editor, the special
correspondent, or the leader-writer abate one jot if the pinnacle of
the profession— a head editorship— be attained. Let us see how
it fared with him who sat on the throne of journalism, the late Mr.
^ Delane. "He had," says one of his
yy ^^J^ friends, "the instincts of family
^/t'sJ^'y^'T^je^'Ct^,,^^ affection almost to excess ; " yet
" for many years he could only run
down on Saturday to bury himself for a few hours in his Berkshire
home, domestic life in town being obviously out of the question for
one who for nearly half of each year saw the sun rise every morning,
not after what it would be a mockery to call his night's rest, but
before it. He was a warm friend, yet how few were the hours he
could devote to friendship ! His love of company was something
more than the natural and universal preference shown by educated
men for what is called good society, and his personal qualities
made him welcome wherever he went ; nevertheless, when he joined
a friendly circle at dinner, as soon as the clock struck ten he
^Journalism as a Career. ji
disappeared. "Few," says the friend already referred to, **can
estimate what it was for Mr. Delane to withdraw as unobservedly
and as early as he could from the assembled guests, before they
had joined the ladies, to spend many hours selecting materials,
pruning redundant paragraphs, fining down tedious narratives,
deciphering manuscripts, correcting proofs, harmonizing discordant
intelligence, discovering the sense of telegraphic riddles, and often
finishing by sacrificing the editorial labour of many hours to make
room for some bulky and important, but very late, arrival, that must
be published, at whatever cost." And this gives us a glimpse of the
huge and constant responsibility of such a post — a responsibility
which must needs have its own inevitable effect upon health.
Of course there is only one Delane, but there are a hundred other
editors of whom the same tale may be told in their degree. Of
this burden on journalistic eminence, however, we shall say no
more here, as the subject comes within the scope of the chapter
headed " In an Editor's Chair."
Laborious, scantily paid, the profession is moreover inglorious,
for all but the very few, unless, indeed, we accept that impersonal
glory — the consciousness of good work done and effective power
wielded anonymously — as the satisfaction of the natural ambition.
Many a journalist spends himself — the best of his intellect and the
flower of his days — in speaking to a public which is and will
always be utterly ignorant of his individuality. Nor is his
72 'Journals and yournalism.
anonymity merely that of a writer who chooses to mask his person
under one nam de plume but whose work is aj^preciated as the
utterance of some one man ; it is his fate to bury himself under
a far profounder incognito than this — nay, he breaks up his
individuality into a thousand separate fragments, not one of which
bears the stamp of his name. The man is scattered and lost, the
character of his work is dissipated by dissemination, and nothing
remains but the influence of that work falling as it may when sown
broadcast ; though, by an apt compensation, the impersonality adds
so much to this influence that few who are journalists at heart
are found to lament it. A newspaper on the Continent, for
instance, with its acknowledged articles, has never had and can
never have the weight in public opinion which an English news-
paper possesses. The unrivalled position of the English press is
due fully as much to its anonymity as to its freedom. But this
train of thought brings us back again to the fairer side of the
literary career ; and that is the side which we would leave upper-
most after all.
/ ^:
{\ oiik
^'m AN EDITOR'S CHAIR, f ""I^Z^t
N editor is a much-abused man. Con-
tributors who think he has neglected them,
or failed to appreciate them, or " cut out "
or " wTitten in " where he should not, do
not spare him ; the readers of his paper
do not measure terms when any single
thing in his many columns strikes them as
false in taste or below the mark in intelligence. Above all is a
slip from classical English proclaimed aloud with a kind of gay
triumph among amateurs who have infinite leisure for the criticism
of articles hastily revised, perhaps at dead of night, and after long
hours of labour. Cobbett made the columns of T/ie Times his
happy hunting-grounds for grammatical mistakes, and his example
has been followed with less point often since then. This is a very
cheap sort of censure, and only shows how little the critic has
reflected on the duties and difficulties of an editor's position.
Nor are these sufficiently taken to heart by the amateur authors
already alluded to — even though many among them have no
greater ambition in life than to sit in an editor's chair. In their
n^ 'Journals and Journalism.
imagination it is the throne of an easy power which may sway
opinion and legislate on politics, ethics, and the arts. They have
formed no idea to themselves as to the realities of work and
responsibility — realities hardly to be matched in any other position
of modern life. Of the editor's labour we have already spoken
labour of the pen at actual composition and at endless letter-
writing; labour of the judgment at selection and decision; labour
of the eyes at proof-reading ; labour of the tongue and temper in
dealing with men whom for various reasons it is necessary to see
— from the Minister of State, on whose leisure he must attend, to
the veriest bore who is too useful a person or too good-natured a
goose to affront ; labour of the journalistic instinct in putting
forward what will " take," and of the intelligence at rapid sifting
of conflicting evidence ; — and all this in the hurry of going to
press and the anxiety to obtain the latest news, which, by arriving
in unexpected quantity, or faiUng to come at all, may throw
out all calculations at the last moment. But great as is the strain
of this hard work, it is light compared with the burden of re-
sponsibility which otherwise attaches to his post. And it is this
responsibility, rather than the mere manual and mental labour,
that we are about to consider.
'« When I remember," said Lord Beaconsfield at the Edinburgh
Corn Exchange in 1867, "the interests of these British Isles, so vast,
so various and so complicated — when I even recall the differences
In an 'Editor s Chair. y^
of race, which, however blended, leave a very significant
characteristic — when I recollect that the great majority of the
population of the United Kingdom rise every day and depend
for their daily sustenance on their daily labour — when I recollect
the delicate nature of our credit, more wonderful in my opinion
than all our accumulated capital — when I remember that it is on
the common sense, the prudence, and the courage of a community
thus circumstanced that depends the fate of uncounted millions
in ancient provinces, and that around the globe there is a circle
of domestic settlements that watch us for example and inspiration
— when I know that not a sun rises on a British Minister that does
not bring him care and even inexpressible anxiety — an unexpected
war, a disturbed and discontented colony^ a pestilence, a famine,
a mutiny, a declining trade, a decaying revenue, a collapse
of credit, perhaps some insane and fantastic conspiracy — I
declare I very often wonder where there is the strength of
heart to deal with such colossal circumstances." We shall hardly
be exaggerating if we draw a parallel between the anxieties of the
British Minister, thus graphically portrayed, and those of the
British editor of a leading daily paper, or in their lesser measure
of those of the editors of important weekly papers which deal
with current events and criticise public affairs. Take the case of
the editor of T/ie Times, as an extreme but still a representative
one. He presides over his staff as a Premier over his Cabinet,
y6 'Journals and 'Journalism,
and on his choice of a pohcy — a choice he is sometimes called
upon to make in a hurry-^-the fate of his paper, involving a capital
of hundreds of thousands, in some cases of more than a million,
depends. It is a mistake to suppose that a powerful organ can
always carry its readers with it; on the contrary, they are
easily alienated. And on an important and perhaps involved
national question, to see the right line, to take it, and never to
falter in pursuing it, is a task as difficult and delicate as that of
any public man in any capacity whatever. Differences of nation
and creed concern an editor perhaps even more than they con-
cern a Minister of State. Then an article in The Times produces
fluctuations in the money market — the paper itself fluctuating
with those fluctuations — and even affects the national credit.
Nay, upon its tone towards foreign powers often depends the
tremendous alternative of peace or war. To be right and correct
and in accord with enlightened public opinion in far smaller things
than these — in the merest details of the merest trivialities — is an
essential effort on the part of an editor ; the slightest slip may
by some accidental circumstance assume large proportions,
and in a moment his credit be gone. The consciousness of this
is a weight incommensurately greater than that which is experienced
in other professions — by the barrister under his crucial brief, by
the doctor under his most critical case. The one may lose a
single client, and the other fail over a single patient, but the world
In an RJitors Chair. jj
will not blame either, if he has taken proper pains : while the
failure of an editor is apparent to the whole of his huge con-
stituency, and the chances are that no one will inquire into its
cause, or care whether he blundered conscientiously or not.
All this was so feelingly put forth in the memoir of Mr. Delane
which appeared in The Times, and was, as we know, so feelingly read
by those who on other papers bore a like or an only lighter burden,
that we cannot do better than reproduce its salient passages here :
— " An editor, it has often been said, sometimes not very seriously,
must know everything. He must, at least, never be found at
fault, and must be always equal to the occasion as to the personal
characteristics, the concerns, the acts and utterances of those who
are charged with the government of this great Empire. But this
is only one of many points, some even more difficult, because
more special and more apt to lie for a time out of the scope of
ordinary vigilance. Since the year 1841 the world has seen
unprecedented improvements in naval and military material and
tactics, not slowly making their way as curiosities that might take
their time, but forced into notice by frequent reminders of their
necessity. Europe has seen not only two or three but many
revolutions, wars unexampled for their dimensions, their cost and
their results ; many dynasties overthrown, an Empire rise and
fall, another all but finally dismembered amid a scramble over the
spoil, and several re-unifications effected beyond even the hopes
yS 'Journals and 'Journalism.
of former times. Scientific discovery in every department of
knowledge has been more than ever active, and that in the practical
bearings which claim the notice of the public from day to day.
Never before have the earth and the sea so freely revealed their
resources and their treasures. Continents supposed to be
protected from intrusive curiosity by intolerable heat, by untam-
able savagery, or by national jealousy, have been traversed in ail
directions by explorers whose volumes have been as familiar as
our Continental handbooks. Within this period have been the
gold discoveries and the new communities founded on them. It
is commonly said that the English never really learn geography or
history till" [these are] " forced upon their acquaintance by wars or
other disasters. This shows how much has to be learnt if any one
has to keep pace with the times. The American Civil War, our
own Indian Mutiny, and the occupation of France by the German
armies, are events which the future student of history may find
comprised in a few paragraphs, but the record and explanation
of them day by day for many months involved particulars sufficient
to fill many bulky volumes. With a large class of critics, a small
mistake counts as much as a large one, but everybody is liable to
make mistakes, and an editor labours under the additional danger
of too readily accepting the words of writers, some of whom will
always be too full of their ideas to pay needful attention to such
matters. These are days of Blue-books, of, enormous correspo»-
In an Editor s Chair.
dence, of tabular returns, of statistics twisted into every possible
form, of averages and differences always on supposition to be
carefully remembered, of numerical comparisons everybody
challenges if they are not in his own favour, and of statements
that if they possess the least novelty or other interest are sure to
be picked to pieces. It frequently happens that a long night's
work has to be thrown away, including many carefully-revised
columns of printed matter, to make room for an overgrown
Parliamentary debate, a budget of important despatches, or a
speech made in the provinces. Often has it been said at two in
the morning that a very good paper has been printed and destroyed
to make way for a paper that very few will read — none, perhaps,
except a few Parliamentary gentlemen looking out for passages
which, if they don't read well, must have been incorrectly reported.
As an instance of what may happen to an editor, the Quarterly
Return of the Revenue once came with an enormous error, an
addition instead of subtraction, or idee versa. The writer who
had to comment on it jotted down the principal figures, and the
totals, which were unexpected, and returned the original for the
jjrinters. It was not till an hour after midnight that, on a sight of
the Return in print, the error was perceived, and corrected, with-
out a word of remark, by the paper. Of course, the comments
had to be re-written and carefully secured from error. . . . The
work of an editor can only be appreciated by those who have had
8o 'Journals and journalism.
the fortune to have some little experience of it. The editor of
a London daily newspaper is held answerable for every word in 48,
and sometimes 60, columns. The merest slip of the pen, an epithet
too much, a wrong date, a name misspelt, or with a wrong initial
before it, a mistake as to some obscure personage only too glad to
seize the opportunity of showing himself, the misinterpretation of
some passage perhaps incapable of interpretation, the most trifling
offence to the personal or national susceptibility of those who do
not even profess to care for the feelings of others, may prove not
only disagreeable but even costly mistakes : but they are among
the least to which an editor is liable. As it is impossible to say
what a night may bring forth, and the most important intelligence
is apt to be the latest, it will often find him with none to share his
responsibility, his colleagues being either pre-engaged on other
matters or no longer at hand. The editor must be on the spot
till the paper is sent to the press, and make decisions on which
not only the approval of the British public, but great events, and
even great causes, may hang. All the more serious part of his
duties has to be discharged at the end of a long day's work, a day
of interruptions and conversations, of letter-reading and letter-
writing, when mind and body are not what they were twelve hours
ago, and wearied nature is putting in her gentle pleas. An editor
cannot husband his strength for the night's battle by comparative
repose in the solitude of a study or the freshness of green fields-
In an Editors Chair. 8i
He must see the world, converse with its foremost or busiest actors,
be open to information, and on guard against error. All this-
ought to be borne in mind by those who complain that journalism
is not infallibly accurate, just, and agreeable. Their complaints
are like those of the Court lord who found fault with the disagree-
able necessities of warfare." How much indeed has happened
since the days when Cowper wrote of
" The folio of four pages, happy work,
Which not e'en ciitics criticise."
And even this is not a complete picture of an editor's toils and
sufferings. Just as it is necessary for a paper to stand well with
the general public, so is it important for its editor to stand well
with his own intimate public — his private friends and the writers
on his staff. How to reconcile their claims on his kindness and
consideration with his duty to the world is often a difficult problem.
His outside friends may be politicians or writers on whom his
columns are bound to pass an unfavourable verdict ; while from
a host of acquaintances, of both sexes, he receives daily, and is
generally obliged to deny, the solicitations incessantly made to all
who have anything to do with public opinion. And what tact is
needed in such cases to give a denial, yet not to give offence ! Nor
is it less difficult or less requisite for the editor to be on friendly
working relations with his staff. Each one of these has a personality
D 2
82 'Journals and Journalism.
of his own, an experience to which deference is due, and at the
same time a political or a religious bias, which a wide acquaintance
with the persojinel of the movements of the day only serves to
emphasize. Yet often the editor must hurriedly set his assistant's
deliberate judgment aside; and must always eliminate the merely
personal feeling, and put public feeling in its stead, knowing, as has
been well said, that, " great as is the audacity of inner consciousness
in these days, its place is not in an editor's room." And this (though
it seems paradoxical to say so) as regards the editor himself as
. much as any member of his staff. For the good editor is the man
who has the fewest hobbies, or having them, rides them least, and
who is able to raise himself above the level of party passion and
personal inclination, to direct the course of his journal as from a
judge's bench for impartiality, as from a true statesman's standpoint
for prescience and long-sighted precision. And as he is and ought
to be impersonal in what he says, so he is and ought to be
impersonal in his very way of saying it. Thus the editorial " we "
is not only a more modest yet more dignified but also a more
absolutely accurate pronoun than " I " for the leader-\\a-iter's use.
This is still more obviously the fact when, as often happens, the
writer, or the editor who inspires the writer, takes his cue not only
from what his trained perception tells him is most right and politic
{pace any little personal weaknesses of his own), but from actual con-
sultation with his wisest colleagues, with the heads of his Par-
In an Editor s Chair. 83
liamentary party, and with all the best authorities at command.
His " leader " is thus the pronouncement of the collective wisdom of
a board of direction, and cannot without the absurdest confusion
be classed with the opinion uttered at random by a man over his
matutinal coffee or at his club— an opinion which he may change
to-morrow, while that of a newspaper must never be recorded
except after such deliberation as will allow it to be consistently
When the Morning Chronicle was bought by Mr. Gladstone, the
Duke of Newcastle, and Lord Herbert of Lea, to be placed in the
hands of Mr. Cook (afterwards editor of the Saturday Review), and
conducted from the unpopular platform of Puseyism in religion as
well as Peelism in politics, not all their combined influence, ability,
and capital, could prevent a decrease in circulation and an actual
average loss of from ;^io,ooo to ;^i2,ooo a year. In 1854-—.
according to Mr. Grant, a not infallible authority — they sold the
paper to Serjeant Glover, agreeing to give him ^3,000 annually for
three years on condition that he should continue to advocate the
same principles — an arrangement, if really made, curiously at vari-
ance with certain floating impressions as to supposed editorial free-
dom from the restraining influences of capital ; and the Serjeant
accepted a further subsidy from France to support the Napoleonic
Idea. But the public would have none of it ; and the journal,
whose " we " had been accepted during ninety years of broad and
84 'Journals and 'Journalism.
spirited management, was hurled into bankruptcy by becoming the
organ of a clique. Used in a class journal, of course the " we "
represents only a class, and is nevertheless legitimate — always sup-
posing the journal does not pretend to be more than it is. But
the great dailies and weeklies are much more than this, and must
represent the thought of a multitude, not the whim of a unit ;
and let us add our conviction that no editor or proprietor of such
would ever pander to a popular feeling which he knew to be
injurious to the welfare of the State. All this is what even a
thoughtful writer like Emerson may fail to comprehend. " Was
ever," he exclaims, " such arrogancy as the tone of The Times ?
Every slip of an Oxonian or Cambridgian, who writes his first
leader, assumes ' we ' subdued the earth before ' we ' sat down to
Avrite this particular Times. One would think the world was on
its knees to T/ie Times office for its daily breakfast. But the arro-
gance is calculated. Who would care for it if it ' surmised,' or
' dared to confess,' or * ventured to predict ' ? No ; it is so, and
so it shall be." The idea of a " slip " of an undergraduate trying
his 'prentice pen in the most important department of our most
important paper — that of The Tivies leading articles — is sufficiently
grotesque, and shows how very far the most intelligent alien is from
understanding the seriousness and the solidity of our great
national organs.
All journalists, therefore, and everyone who has the best
In an Editor s Chair. ^^
interests of journalism at heart, ought, we would earnestly urge, to
deprecate any public attempt to associate a newspaper with its
personnel in the sense of attacking writers by name for the anony-
mous opinions which their newspaper expresses ; or of attacking a
newspaper for the private shortcomings, real or supposed, of any
individual member of its proprietary or staff. This kind of banter,
which has become so much the fashion of late, may raise a momen-
tary smile, but it must in the end be fatal to the liberty and
prestige of the press, while it indefinitely increases that burden
which already weighs too heavily on an editor, for whom, be it
understood, we are claiming no licence to be untruthful, but only
leave to be, in the exercise of duty, as impersonal as the barrister,
the clergyman, the statesman, the monarch, the pontiff, and the
From all this it must be apparent that the qualifications of an
editor are not only or chiefly of a literary order. He must be before
all things a man of the world, conversant with many subjects, and
able to get on well with his fellows, some of whom are also men of
the world, and some of whom are not. Mr. Delane, for instance,
never wrote in The Times, but he directed the policy of those who
did, even down to the minutest particular, a habit which the following
note very characteristically illustrates : — " My dear sir,— You may
review— — , if you like, a most admirable book ; but before you do
this please to write me a memoir, rather eulogistic than otherwise, but
86 'Journals and Journalism.
not puffing, of Sir William Mansfield, who, after resigning the chief
command in India, has just been appointed to the chief command
in Ireland.— Ever faithfully yours, M. T. Delane." Among weekly
journals the Saturday Review has been issued for years together
without an article from the editor's pen.
Although what we have hitherto said about the troubles of
editing, and the kind of capacity requisite to cope with them,
applies principally to the daily and a portion of the weekly press,
it holds good also of all editing, in a greater or a less degree. Even
a monthly will not be successfully conducted by a litterateur^
however brilliant, unless with his literary ability he combines a
faculty for business, a power to endure drudgery, and a variety of
personal qualities not often met with in any one man. Coleridge,
curiously enough, succeeded, as editor of the Morning Pos^, in
greatly increasing its circulation ; but, as a rule, editors are made
of sterner stuff. " I can find any number of men of genius to write
for me, but very seldom one of common sense," an editor of The
Times remarked to Moore. Without endorsing this saying in its
hard, excessive brusquerie, we accept in a modified manner the
truth it contains, and recommend it to the careful attention of
amateurs, who must after all perceive that it is not easy to sit in
that editorial chair which Campbell, Moore, Leigh Hunt, Carlyle,
Lytton, Thackeray, Charles Dickens, George Sala, and Anthony
Trollope were forced by one cause or another to abandon.
picture, to lecture,
E have somewhat strayed from the amateur^
to whom our first chapters were addressed,
in the excursion we have made to the fields
of professional life. Our excuse is that no
amateur who is capable of taking regular
rank will be content to remain an amateur —
a fact which distinguishes literature from
the other arts. A reluctance to sell a
act, sing, or play for money is common
enough in certain classes — or if such reluctance is wearing away
a little shyness lingers when the market-matters of sale and pur-
chase are in question. But no one ever has been, or ever
will be, in any degree ashamed of pocketing a cheque for
literary work, and the most hypersensitive have no fear of
losing caste by selling the pure production of their brains. This
is probably because no personal appearance or performance for
money is involved, and also that no material vs, the subject of barter.
Mr. Trollope may choose to call literature a trade ; nevertheless
the litterateur is in no sense a tradesman. Besides all this, letters
88 'Journals and "Journalism.
are and will always remain altogether the noblest of the arts — the
one art, perhaps, with which society could not by any possibility
dispense — our very thinking in daily life having taken literary form,
and some kind of reading being really as necessary to us as bread ;
whereas a civilization deprived of music, painting, or the drama,
is at least conceivable. No literary amateur, then, puts any limit
before himself. He aims at a professional standing even when he
does not intend literature to be his only profession ; and con-
sequently there is not in this art the line of demarcation between
the artist and the dilettante which exists in the others ; nor have
we separated them in our survey.
By no means exhaustive has been this review of one of the
most distinctive developments of the modern worM. There are
joys and sorrows, for instance, in the literary career, on which we
have not touched. Of the former, one of the keenest is the
sensation produced on the novice by his first success. Merely to
see himself in print for the first time is a pleasure almost over-
whelming, if only for the "promise that it closes." If that
great event could fall flat, it would assuredly be a sign that his
heart was not in his work ; that his work, consequently, was not
worthy of him ; and that it behoved him to seek forthwith for
some occupation which either would have power over his
emotions, or in which emotion'would be altogether out of place.
A success in tea, or in banking, or in conveyancing, will always
A Miscellaneous Chapter. 89
leave him master of himself; but he should let the arts alone,
if he considers unbroken self-possession as a necessary part of his
dignity. Charles Dickens, as we have already seen, does not
hesitate to confess the happy tears with which he saw his first
pubHshed words, and the nearer our beginner's experience comes
to his, so much the more hope will there be that the career of the
one may in some degree resemble that of the other. Out of the
abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh, we are told ; and if
the young writer have sent out words from the real abundance of
his heart, he has merited the delight of seeing them winged for
flight into the corners of the world. Nor will any art or any
pursuit yield him a more just enjoyment, or a more lasting one ;
it will not wear out at the fifth repetition, nor at the fiftieth, so
long as his work is honest work ; his satisfaction will be calmer,
indeed, but as solid as ever.
We come to one of the sorrows of the career when we deplore
that this moving, touching, thrilling moment of a first publication
should so often be marred by a little matter which is enough to
turn a triumph into a mortification. Everyone who has passed
through the experience will know that we refer to the sore subject
of misprints. The beginner is more liable than another to this
form of disappointment and annoyance, because he generally
sends in his tentative MS. to some comparatively obscure
periodical, the printing department of which is not a model of
9© 'Journals and 'Journalism,
efficiency ; or because an editor may not think a casual contri-
bution worth the trouble of a despatch of proofs. Amateur authors
are largely to be blamed for the frequent neglect of this pre-
caution and courtesy on the part of an editor; if they would
more generally take the trouble to complete their work, finally
and irrevocably, before sending it in — if, that is, they could be
trusted to correct in proof the compositor's errors merely, and
not to re-write and polish up their own sentences (which they
should have done in the MS.), they would often have the security
and satisfaction of receiving the coveted slips. Such afterthoughts
of an author entail on an editor serious expense, which he cannot
be blamed for avoiding. Yet it must be owned that misprints are
intolerable. The absurdity of the errors — and they hardly ever
fail of a poignant absurdity — the utter impotence of the unhappy
writer, who has no means whatever of retrieving his character for
common sense, or even sanity, are calculated to drive him to
temporary despair. Feelingly does an anonymous (we believe a
Transatlantic) bard sing the sorrows which embitter what would
otherwise be a moment of entire glory : —
Ah ! here It is ! I'm famous now-
An author and a poet !
It really is in print — ye gods,
How proud I'll be to show it !
And gentle Anna— what a thrill
Will animate her breast
To read these ardent lines, and know
To whom they are addressed.
A Miscellaneous Chapter.
Why, bless my soul — here's something
strange !
What can the paper mean
By talking of the "graceful brooks
That gander o'er the green ? "
And here's a T instead of R,
Which makes it " tippling rill ; "
"We'll seek the shad," instead of shade,
And "hell," instead of hill.
" They look so " — what ? — I recollect
'Twas " sweet," and then 'twas " kind."
And now to think the stupid fool
For bland has printed " blind."
Was ever such provoking work ? —
'Tis curious, by the bye,
How anything is rendered blind
By giving it an eye.
"Hast thou no tears?" — the T's left
out ;
" Hast thou no ears ? " instead.
" I hope that thou art dear" is put
" I hope that thou art dead."
Whoever saw in such a space
So many blunders crammed ?
" Those gentle eyes bedimmed " is spelt,
"Those gentle eyes bedammed."
" Thou art the same " is rendered
" lame,"
It really is too bad ;
And here, because an I is out.
My " lovely maid " is " mad."
" Where are the muses fed, that thou
Shouldst live so long unsung ? "
Thus read my version : here it is,
" Shouldst live so long unhung. "
I'll read no more. What shall I do?
I'll never dare to send it.
The paper 's scattered far and wide —
'Tis now too late to mend it.
Oh, Fame ! thou cheat of human bliss !
Why did I ever write ?
I wish my poem had been burnt
Before it saw the light.
I wish I had that editor,
About a half-a-minute,
I'd bang him to my heart's content.
And with an H begin it.
I'd ja»! his body, eyes, and nose.
And spell it with a D ;
And send him to that A/ll of his —
He spells it with an E.
Nor is it the amateur alone who is familiar with this dismay.
All through life the literary man is liable — often owing to a sloven-
liness of handwriting — to be misprinted; and he will never like it,
nor perhaps ever bear it with equanimity. He will find, too,
that when he is misprinted it is generally in the very passages on
which his affections were principally set, and his sensations, if
9 2 'Journals ana Journalism.
milder than those of the debutant, are far from pleasant. In all
cases the mortification — more keen according to the inexperience
of the victim — is sufficient to neutralize the pleasure— also more
keen according to the freshness of the author — of an appearance
in print.
With these and many other joys and sorrows are responsibiUties
to which we have little space to allude, but which bear a larger
part in literary life than in perhaps any other career, not even
excepting religion, medicine and statesmanship. And of the
two branches of literature — authorship and journalism— the latter
is assuredly the most heavily burdened. In one way only can the
anonymous wielder of public power become worthy of his influence,
and that is by letting conscience guide all the course of his pro-
fessional hfe. Mere prudence will not avail to fit him for his post,
which is, indeed, usually one of so great security, that prudence
would be of itself a quite insufficient motive for honourable
conduct. The priest must answer to visible powers, to his bishop
and his people ; the physician to his patient ; the statesman to the
nation ; but the anonymous journalist very frequently is responsible
only to himself, and so much the more seriously will he feel the
force of obligations for the breach of which he may never have to
suffer; so much the more fine will become the' sensitiveness of
his self-respect, so much the more active his sympathies. And
while drawing this picture— ideal, perhaps, but happily also quite
A Miscellaneous Chapter. 93
real — we need not necessarily be included among those who
declaim against personal journalism, so long as personality is
inoifensive to any private feeling. Subject to that condition, it is
legitimate enough, and all the more legitimate as it is inevitable.
It is no new thing. A writer in a " Society " paper recently retorted
to the stock charge of personality, that the daily Court Circular
chronicles are far more intimately and intrusively personal than
the information collected under the gossiping headings of the
weeklies : for custom alone causes us to accept the announcement
that her Majesty walked on the slopes, and that one maid of
honour was succeeded by another, as a matter of any concern
whatever to the general public. The censors of personal
journalism generally assume that the persons or personages who
are the subject of it are aggrieved by their own prominent
appearance in print ; the journalist, however, knows that there is
no such grievance felt, provided the gossip published is pleasant
gossip — and no other kind should be allowed to appear.
Another facile criticism consists in the charge of Americanism.
We would, however, recommend a comparison between the
chattiest of the decent London journals of this kind and their
Transatlantic contemporaries. A glance will show that the
difference is immeasurable ; that there is a twang about the
American personalities which high-class English journalism of the
kind has never caught. Apart from this, the press of the great
94 'Journals and "Journalism.
Republic has much that our own may imitate with advantage, and
which is so imitated by some of the most successful of the English
papers. The brightly-wTitten, readable, and non-political foreign
correspondence which has sometimes appeared in the Daily
Telegraph is an example of this. Let us remember that we are not
altogether perfect, and that if the French press seems to us frivolous
and the American flippant, ours is considered quite intolerably
prosaic and heavy in Paris and New York. To amuse is an
important function of the modern newspaper, and one which we
hope will never be neglected ; for we believe there is hardly a single
editor — we cannot tax our memory with one — -in England who
would consciously allow his paper to be made the vehicle of private
spite, though he might possibly be made the tool of a malicious
contributor through ignorance or through one of those errors of
judgment from which nobody is exempt, but which are visited
more heavily on an editor than on anyone else. For the journalist's
freedom from what is generally understood by responsibility docs
not by any means belong to an editor — whose broad shoulders,
indeed, are made to bear the burdens of his whole staff.
It remains for those who are about to enter the profession to
keep it as honourable and high-toned as it now is. If, from
choice or necessity, they tread the quicksands of personal
journalism, they must remember how Charles Dickens boiled over
with indignation at what he considered to be an unwarranted
A Miscellaneous Chapter, 95
attack on a private reputation. "When I think," he writes to
Macready, " that every dirty speck upon the fair face of the
Almighty's creation who writes in a filthy, beastly newspaper; every
rotten-hearted panderer who has been beaten, kicked, and rolled
in the kennel, yet struts it in the editorial ' We ' once a week ;
every vagabond that an honest man's gorge must rise at ; every
living emetic in that noxious drug-shop, the press, can have his
fling at such men and call them knaves and fools and thieves — I
grow so vicious that with bearing hard upon my pen I break the
nib down, and with keeping my teeth set make my jaws ache."
These words — written in a moment of characteristic excitement
and irritation, may hardly be a necessary warning to any of the
beginners whom we address ; yet the temptation to " smart "
scribbling is great ; and all who are liable to it should remember
that personalities which would not be spoken out at a club are
not to be printed in a newspaper. Nor do we grudge the great
novelist his exaggeration in straining for effect, if that effect is
produced on the minds of those in whose hands is the future of
journalism for evil or good. Let them have always before them
the words of another great and sensitive man. " Ah ! ye knights
of the pen," exclaims Thackeray in the " Roundabout Papers,"
" may honour be your shield, and truth tip your lances ! Be gentle
to all gentle people. Be modest to women. Be tender to chil-
dren. And as for the ogre humbug, out sword, and have at him."
96 "Journals and 'Journalism,
Enough has been said in these pages to the new writer. That
which is in want of encouragement — and it is a truism that
merit is generally modest — will, we hope, find nothing to chill or
dismay it in the frankest sincerity of what we have said ; nor that
which requires suppressing, to give it false hopes. What we have
written has been designed — we do not disguise it — for hindrance
of some, as well as for help of others. For we have aimed at
writing the truth only ; and the truth has this property, among
many, that everyone will find in it what he most needs and can
best assimilate.
FEW words may here be said on the sub-
ject of literary copyright, particularly in
connection with the periodical press. The
amateur who, compelled by some circum-
stance or other, regretfully publishes in a
magazine a composition out of which he
believes a fortune might be made under
happier auspices, may be glad to be
assured that he does not lose all right over his work because it
has been used by an editor, unless there is a special agreement
to that effect.
By 5 and 6 Victoria, Cap. 45, it is provided {inter alia) : —
(i). That the copyright in every article in an encyclopedia, review, or other
periodical, shall belong to the proprietor of that periodical for the same term
{i.e. forty years) as is allowed by the act to authors of books, whenever such
article shall be contributed on the terms that the copyright therein shall belong
to such proprietor and be paid for by him. On that point it has been settled
that the proprietor acquires no copyright till payment has actually been made.
(2). After the term of twenty-eight years from the first publication of any
article, the right of publishing the same in a separate form shall revert to the
98 'Journals and Journalism.
author for the remainder of the term (of forty years) given by the act ; and
during such term of twenty-eight years the proprietor shall not publish any
such article separately without previously obtaining the author's consent.
(3). Any author may reserve to himself the right to publish any such
composition in a separate form, and he will then be entitled to the sole copy-
right in the separate publication.
Apart from the strict legal regulations on this matter, there is
probably a recognised custom in the profession by which the copy-
right in articles is considered to belong to the writer, in the
absence of any express contrary stipulation, such as that, for
instance, which Messrs. Cassell, Fetter, Galpin and Co. include
in the printed receipt form sent out with all their payments for
literary matter. It will be seen, however, that by the pro-
visions of the Act above quoted, in all ordinary cases, even where
he is the owner of the copyright, an editor cannot publish a con-
tribution in a separate shape without the writer's consent, which
may be withheld until it is worth his while to grant it. For
example, in the case of Mayhew v. Maxwell the defendant was
restrained from publishing in a separate form, without the plaintiffs
permission, an article written by the plaintiff in a magazine called
The Welcome Guest.
Between author and publisher in regard to a volume, the
arrangement as to copyright is more simple than that between
author and editor. The composition simply changes hands. Yet
Literary Copyright. gg
even in selling out-and-out to a bookseller the copyright of a MS., its
author may feel well assured that if its publication should prove a
great and an unexpected pecuniary success, he will share in those
profits, even though he has no legal claim to do so. Fifty instances
of the kind could be brought up to show that publishers are not
devoid of moral justness on such occasions.
Mr. Carlyle once said to Charles Sumner, that " the strangest
thing in the history of literature was his recent receipt of^j^so
from America, on account of his ' French Revolution,' which had
never yielded him a farthing in Europe, and probably never would."
And, indeed, the new world furnishes a grand audience for all
worthy and memorable English utterances. The Americans are
eminently a reading people ; literature is cultivated among solitary
New England farms in a manner that is foreign to the customs of
Old England ; almost every village in the Northern States has its
free public library and reading-room ; and some English books
which are Uttle read at home are household words among the
pastures of New Hampshire and Massachusetts. In fame and
sympathy, then, America almost overpays our authors, but com-
mercially the matter is notoriously otherwise, the absence of any
satisfactory regulation as to international copyright leaving the
remuneration of writers here, whose works are republished there,
entirely to the chance benevolence of the American bookseller,
who, naturally enough, does not care to pay much for a copyright
100 'Journals and 'Journalism.
which he cannot legally protect. Into the intricate English law of
libel we do not propose to enter here. Suffice it to say that in any
difficulty of the kind, or in any question of copyright, authors will
find in Mr. George Lewis an adviser whose care, courtesy, and
consideration are only equalled by his ability and the legal ex-
perience he is known to have acquired in all matters relating to
authorship and the press.
OPY" (the technical name of MSS. sent to the
press) mj/sf be ivriiten on only one side of the
paper. This because the sheets are often
divided among a body of printers to secure
expedition or to keep all hands employed.
Of course it is especially on a daily that copy
is set into type in a hurry. If, for instance, the
last speech of a Parliamentary debate arrive
an hour before the paper goes to press, the sheets are cut cross-
ways into shreds or " takes," so that simultaneous printing produces
the whole in a few minutes. The rule, however, applies to all MSS.,
whether sent to a daily paper or a quarterly review.
2. Write on sheets of paper which are neither small enough to be
scrappy nor large enough to be cumbrous on the printer's case.
No exact size can be mentioned as universally preferred by com-
positors ; but the most convenient of all is perhaps foolscap quarto,
which measures about seven inches by eight. A small post-octavo
102 'Journals and ^Journalism,
(about four inches by seven) and a large post-octavo (five inches
by eight) are also popular sizes.
3. Leave plenty of space in margins arid between lines for
your own and editorial corrections. Then a whole page of MS.
need not be recopied because a sentence is altered. Every line
may have a correction if legibly made.
4. Use white paper rather than blue; because the writing stands
out more distinctly — an important consideration with the com-
positor, who often works by gaslight.
5. Use ink, and black ink — iox the same reason. Pencil-
writing is fainter and generally smudges ; moreover it catches the
light at certain angles, and becomes invisible to the printer, whose
head, unless he stoops, is a couple of feet distant from his
6. Write plainly. Distinct penmanship is an immense desidera-
tum with both editor and printer. Excellent contributions have
gone into the waste-paper basket because editors, always busy,
have not time or patience to decipher hieroglyphics. It is true
that not all established journalists write very readably— as some of
the autographs scattered through these pages sufificiently show.
In fact, much rapid writing, as Lord Lytton somewhere says,
destroys even a beautiful hand. But in the case of a professional,
on the staff of a paper, his contributions are frequently never read
by the editor until they are in type, and the burden of the bad
Ten Commandments. 103
writing falls on the compositor alone ; the amateur, however, will
certainly feel the disadvantage of writing an illegible hand.
Above all, write proper names and technical phrases in characters
as clear as print. A compositor deciphers cleverly and almost
instinctively where the words are those in ordinary use; but
where they are out of the common run, of course he can only
guess at them, and goes proverbially wide of the mark.
7. Number your pages of MS.
8. Write yourname and address in a comer of the first page, where
it is sure to be seen, instead of on the back of a sheet, or in an
accompanying letter where it is more likely than not to be over-
looked or lost.
9. Be pwidual. A remembrance of this trite admonition will
often stand a journalist in good stead. A man of mediocre talent
who always sends his copy in at the right time is worth more to an
editor than a genius who cannot be depended on. A few hints
about sending-in days may not be amiss. Weeklies generally
require latest copy at least two days before they are published, and
almost without exception they are published a day or two earlier
than the date they bear. Saturday's Pu7ich is a Wednesday
institution ; Wednesday's World is read on Tuesday afternoon ;
just as the evening papers are on the railway stalls when we over-
sleep a little in the morning. The World, for example, goes to press
on Monday night to be ready for actual publication on Tuesday
1 04 'Journals and "Journalism.
afternoon ; and though down to Monday night it is possible to
insert anything of special importance, the standing rule is that
copy shall reach the editor on Saturday morning, or, failing that,
be posted by members of the staff straight to the printer not later
than Sunday night. Again, the Graphic goes to press in two parts
— that which contains the story and standing articles earUer in the
week than that which is devoted to current comment and to news.
Obviously, a contribution loses half its chance of insertion when
probably more than enough copy to fill the whole paper has been
already sent in. Even some of the monthly magazines, less con-
cerned than the weeklies with passing affairs, are prepared for the
press a fortnight or more before they are published. Contributions,
for instance, to one of Messrs. Cassell, Petter, and Galpin's monthlies
for April will sometimes be asked for by even the first of February;
and the principal contents of Good Words are arranged nearly a
year in advance. Stories for Christmas numbers are ordered in
the height of summer ; and verses apostrophizing snow are com-
posed with the thermometer at 80 deg. ; just as Hogarth's poet
indited an ode to riches while his wife was dunned for the milk-
score. This will account to the beginner for many vexatious
editorial delays and refusals, and will impress on him the necessity
of taking time by the forelock when sending his contributions to
the press.
10. Mark the ^^ proofs " of any accepted contribution sent for
^'Ten Commandments.
correction according to the technical system, which avoids endless
confusion, and which every compositor understands. The
publishers have added an advertisement sheet at the end of
this book which sets forth this professional method of correcting
for the press.
£ 2
OR the benefit of beginners, we append the
names and addresses of some of the
leading periodical publications, with a
slight sketch of their character and scope.
The list makes no pretension to be com-
plete; for, while it embraces the leading
journals and magazines of general interest
— not forgetting even those less ambitious
but widely-circulated issues to which we referred while insisting
that the amateur must not shrink from a humble beginning — our
narrow space necessarily excludes notice of either the provincial
press, or of organs devoted to the special interests of this or that
trade, society, or sect ; though on these there are thousands of
pens perennially and profitably at work. In the interest of the
general reader, as well as of the amateur, we have, in some
instances, added a few historical details about the publications
named, taking conscientious care, however, that in so doing we
wound no sensibility and betray no trust. In cases where
personal allusion is made to editors, either their names have
A 'Dictionary of the Periodical Press. 107
already been publicly associated, in Men of the Time or else-
where, with the papers they conduct, or are in all men's mouths
in that connexion, or else they are used by a permission, for
which, as well as for all other help and kindness afforded to
us by individuals, or by publications, in the compilation of this
little book, we here beg to express our cordial thanks.
Academy (52, Carey Street, Lincoln's Inn ; Weekly, 3d.), established in 1869
as a literary, artistic and scientific review, differing from the Athenatim,
which it otherwise too closely resembles, by special prominence given to science,
and by the rule that its pritical notices be signed by the writers. Whether
this system produces criticism that is more responsible and influential than
anonymous writing need not be discussed here, but it has at any rate served to
show that the Academy possesses a brilliant and learned staff. This staff was
ably directed for some years by Dr. Aj^pleton, whose death in 1879 cut short
a promising career.
After IVork (62, Paternoster Row ; Monthly, id.), an illustrated journal for
the working classes.
All the Year Round (26, Wellington Street, Strand ; Monthly, gd. ; Weekly,
2d.), a magazine of general literature and social politics. Established in 1859 by
Charles Dickens upon the disruption of his connection with Messrs.
Bradbury and Evans, the publishers of Household Words, which the
novelist had till then conducted. His separation from his wife had occurred
shortly before, and, though an entirely private matter, had given rise to much
public talk. Two ladies in particular had set afloat some false rumours
reflecting on Charles Dickens' domestic character. In answer to these widely-
io8 'Journals and Journalism.
spread but idle accusations he resolved to make public a kind of manifesto headed
"Personal," which duly appeared on the first page of his periodical,
Household Words : and he requested Messrs. Bradbury and Evans to print a
duplicate on the back of Punch, of which they were also the publishers.
Those gentlemen declined on the ground of good taste, alleging that a comic
journal was not the proper medium for explanations of a grave and delicate
nature. From this difference of opinion resulted a separation between
author and publishers ; the former established All the Year Round, and the
latter Once a Week, upon the ruins of Household Words. Charles Dickens'
journal became a noted feature of the periodical press; it was conducted with
rare liberality towards the claims of unknown aspirants, in whose contributions
the conductor seemed to take a warm personal interest. The younger Charles
Dickens ably edits the journal now.
Anglo-American Publications : — I. American Traveller (4, Langham Place,
W; Weekly, id.), a literary, political and social newspaper, established
1874, and "devoted to the interests of Americans abroad." 2. Anglo-
A>?ierican Times (127, Strand; Weekly, 4d.), established 1865; conducted
on neutral principles, gives special attention to the American news of the
week. 3. Atlantic Monthly (57, Ludgate Hill; Monthly, is.), an excellent
magazine of literature, science, art and politics. Excellent magazines also
are Harper's, Scribner''s and Lippincott's, both of which circulate largely this
side of the Atlantic.
Anglo-Colonial and Anglo -European Publications : — I. British Mail (40,
Chancery Lane ; Monthly, 2s.) 1. European Mail (Colonial Buildings,
Cannon Street, E.C. ; price varies according to the quarter of the world to
which it is sent). 3. Foreign Times {13, Sherborne Lane, E.C. ; Fort-
nightly, 2d.) 4. Zi^o/«£iVfi£/^ (55, Parliament Street, S.W.) 5. Overland Mail
(65, Comhill, E.C. ; Weekly, 6d.)
Animal World (9, Paternoster Row ; Monthly, 2d.) Illustrated ; the advo-
cate of kindness to animals.
Dictionary of the Periodical Press. 109
Antiquary {62, Paternoster Row; Monthly, is.), a magazine " devoted to
the study of the past," and edited by Mr. ^
Edward Walford, author of " Old and New ^yCt/'ft^'''C^V^'t^
London " and a number of other well-known ^ S- -
works, in whose hands it has become one of
the most successful of the periodicals having 1880 for the year of their birth.
Architectural and Building Journals : — i. Architect (i^S, Strand ; Weekly,
4d.), established 1869. A model technical paper. It contains articles of
general as well as professional interest, especially on artistic and sanitary sub-
jects. So do (2) the British Architect and Northern Engineer (35, Bouverie
Street, Fleet Street ; Weekly, 4d.), established 1874; (3) the Builder (46,
Catherine Street, Strand ; Weekly, 4d.), established 1842; (4) the Building
News (31, Tavistock Street, W.C. ; Weekly, 4d.), established 1854; and (5)
the Building World (31, Southampton Street, Strand; Monthly, 3d.),
established 1877.
Argosy (8, New Burlington Street ; Monthly, 6d.), an illustrated magazine
of tales, travels, essays, and verses, conducted by Mrs. Henry Wood, with the
assistance of her son, Mr. Charles W. Wood.
Artist [iS^, Fleet Street; Monthly, 4d.), is the only newspaper of the art
world published, and a very good one too.
A7-t Journal (26, Ivy Lane ; Monthly, 2s. 6d.), an illustrated magazine
founded by and inseparably connected with the name and perhaps too amiable
character of Mr. Samuel Carter Hall, who, as journalist, author, and editor, has
a literary history that goes back almost as far as the century. Art is in a
flourishing state, at any rate pecuniarily, in England now, the artist's remunera-
tion being of a more adequate nature >»■
than that which falls to the lot of his yi^X^ ^^^y>y^
literary brother ; and it is undoubtedly /p^X ^^ /*^ ^^^C
to the modern writers on art in general
and to Mr. Hall in particular that the artist of to-day owes the appreciation
1 1 o Journals and 'Journalism.
of a wide public. When will art return the compliment, and give us
representations of distressed authors which will harrow the hearts of
editors and publishers, and unloose their purse-strings ? Mr. Hall has recently
vacated the editorial chair at the office of the Art Journal, where his place is
taken by Mr. Marcus Huish, who, though young, has already made a position
in the world of literature and art.
^r^, il/a^^32«£ £?/ (Cassell, Fetter, Galpin and Co., Ludgate Hill, E.G.;
Monthly, 7d.), established in 1878, and has already attained the wide
popularity justly attaching to publications which are cheap but not nasty,
light but not trivial, instructive but never dull. The scope of the magazine is
indicated by its title, the editor excluding from his pages all topics except
those directly connected with the Fine and the Industrial Arts.
AthencEum (20, Wellington Street, Strand ; Weekly, 3d.), a journal of
literature, science, art, music, and the drama, founded in 1828 by James Silk
Buckingham ; soon became the property of Charles Wentworth Dilke, father of
the first and grandfather of the present baronet of that name. His talent as an
editor and a critic raised the paper to the position it now holds as the leading
weekly organ of the literary world —
its verdict on any book under notice
isj^ carrying weight not only with every
bookseller and librarian in England, but
also with the publishers and readers of the new world. The present Under
Secretary for Foreign Affairs succeeded his father in the proprietorship of the
AthencEutn, and he also owns Notes and Queries and a great part of the Gar-
dener's Chronicle and of the Agricultural Gazette. A man of marked literary
ability, he is understood to have at onetime edited the Athenaum himself;
but that task, which requires so much judgment and tact, now devolves on
another. Hepworth Dixon was editor from 1853 to 1869.
Baptist Publications :— I. Baptist (61, Paternoster Row, E.G. ; Weekly, id.)
2. Freeman (21, Castle Slreet, Holborn ; Weekly, id.)
Dictionary of the Periodical Press. 1 1 1
Bazaar, Exchange and Mart (170, Strand; Wednesday and Saturday, 2d.),
an illustrated and admirably arranged medium for the exchange and sale of
personal property by private persons. Also contains articles and information
on practical and household subjects. Its proprietors are the representatives of
the late Serjeant Cox.
Belgravia Magazine (214, Piccadilly, W. ; Monthly, is.), established in 1866,
and edited for some time by Miss Braddon, from whose hands it passed a few
years ago into those of Messrs. Chatto and Windus, who have made it a very
bright miscellany of light literature.
Biograph (12, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden ; Monthly, is.), a magazine
almost entirely taken up with the biographies, some of them very careful and
exhaustive, of persons eminent in every kind of career. Established in 1879,
and edited by Guy Roslyn.
Blackzoood' s Edinburgh Magazine (37, Paternoster Row, E.G. ; Monthly,
2S. 6d.), during the sixty-three years of its existence has perhaps published a
larger number of brilliant contributions than any other periodical of the kind.
A list of those who have written in its pages would be an enumeration of nearly
all the names celebrated in literature during the last half-century. Blackwood
gives not only tales, poems, social and literary essays, but also striking
political articles, with a strong Conservative bias, in spite of which, however, it
scathingly criticised " Lothair. "
Boto Bells (315, Strand; Weekly, id.) is described as a family magazine of
light literature, fiction, fashion, &c. Messrs. John Dicks and George
William Reynolds are the proprietors.
Brief {^1, Great Queen Street, W.C. ; Weekly, 2d.), an epitome of the
press, resembling Public Opinion but more succinct both in its quotations and
in its original matter, first issued by Messrs. Wyman and Sons, the great
printers, in 1877. Brief'is intended for those readers who have no time for the
wordiness of the modern press.
112 'Journals and 'Journalism,
British Quarterly Review (27, Paternoster Row; Quarterly, 6s.), .1
political and critical review, established in 1844, and ably conducted upon
Liberal principles, the present head of the Liberal party having himself recently
contributed to its pages an interesting paper upon the Evangelical origin of the
Romeward movement.
CasseWs Family Magazine (Ludgate Hill, E.C. ; Monthly, 7d.), a popular
collection of social and domestic sketches, novels, stories, essays and poems.
This periodical, like others issued by the same firm, bears the marks of the
collective wisdom of the editorial board of general direction which exists in La
Belle Sauvage Yard, as well as of the individual care of the one editor who
has it under his especial charge. This system works well ; for the principle
that two heads are better than one is never more applicable than to the conduct of
a magazine ; and the board of general direction, which aids each editor where
he requires it, includes not only men of wide literary experience and keen
judgment, but men of commerce also, and the two together succeed in pro-
ducing publications which are at once literary and commercial successes.
By the editors of Messrs. Cassell, Fetter and Galpin's magazines communi-
cations from outsiders always receive the attention they deserve.
Catholic (Roman) Publications: — I. Catholic Fireside (83, Fleet Street;
Monthly, 2d.), an illustrated magazine of popular literature, taking the place
among Catholics which is held among Protestants by the Sunday at Home and
the Leisure Hour, only with a little less of the religious element; edited by the
Rev. Father Nugent, the well-known Catholic Chaplain of the Liverpool
Borough Gaol. 2. Catholic Progress (17, Portman Street, W. ; Monthly, 3d.),
edited by the Rev. Albany J. Christie, M.A., an Oxford convert, and a member
of the Jesuit community attached to the church in Farm Street, Grosvenor
Square. 3. Catholic Times (83, Fleet Street, and at Liverpool, where, like the
Catholic Fireside, it is printed at the Boys' Refuge, founded by Father Nugent,
the proprietor of the paper; Weekly, id.) 4. Dublin Review (17, Port-
Dictionary of the Periodical Press. 113
man Street, London, W. ; Quarterly, 6s.) has contained much memorable
writing since its early days, when one of its editors, Cardinal "Wiseman,
contributed to its pages articles which were eagerly read at Oxford by an
embryo cardinal even greater than he, then vicar of St. Mary the Virgin in
the University city. Dr. W. G. Ward, another eminent Oxford convert to
Catholicism, subsequently edited the Diiblin, but on extreme lines, which were
not popular with the bulk of his co-religionists, and he made a timely retire-
ment from the editorial chair (whence he had spoken as if ex cathedra to those
who shared his Ultramontane sjmipathies) at the very moment when the liberal-
minded Leo XIII. succeeded Pius IX. in the chair of Peter. Bishop Hedley,
an able writer and clear thinker, has since then conducted the Dublin, at the
head of a staff which includes nearly all the literary talent with an ecclesias-
tical bias to be found in his communion. 5. Irish Monthly (17, Portman
Street, W. ; Monthly, 6d.), a bright magazine of general literature, which,
edited by the Rev. Father Matthew Russell, S.J. (brother of Mr. Charles
Russell, Q.C.,M.P.),and largely contributed toby Miss Rosa Mulholland, who
successfully tried her novice hand as a novelist under Charles Dickens in All
the Year Eotaid, circulates among the Catholics of England in spite of the
green cover which is symbolic of its Hibernian spirit and name. 6. Lattip (47,
Fetter Lane, E.C. ; Weekly, id.), an illustrated miscellany of popular serial
and short stories, essays, and verse ; the property of an Oxford convert, the
Rev. Father William Lockhart, of the Order of Charity, a member of a family
that has given a great name to English literature in the biographer of Sir
Walter Scott and the editor of the Qua?-terly. 7. The Month (17, Portman
Street, W. ; 2s.), founded in 1863, and edited by the Rev. Father Coleridge,
S.J. (brother of the Judge), one of the ablest writers and preachers of his
church. 8. The Tablet (27, Wellington Street, Strand ; Weekly, Sd.),
founded in 1840, and connected in its early history with the name of the late
Frederic Lucas, M.P., one of the few men who have taken the long leap from
114 'Journals and 'Journalism*
Quakerism to the Catholic Church. The Tablet is now ably edited and sub-
edited by Oxford converts, one of whom was formerly a clergyman, and it
may be fairly described as a Catholic (and Conservative) counterpart of the
Spectator. 9. Weekly Register {\a,, Catherine Street, Strand; Weekly, 4d.),
founded in 1849, the late Mr. Henry William Wilberforce, youngest son of
the great anti-slavery reformer, being its proprietor and editor from 1 854 to
1863,— "in this, as in all his undertakings" (says his friend, Cardinal
Newman), " actuated by an earnest desire to promote the interests of religion,
though at the sacrifice of his own." The Register has changed hands several
times since then, being now in great part the property of Mr. De Lacy Towle.
In some respects a Catholic counterpart of The Guardian, the Register is
now edited by a journalist and author of long standing and distinction.
Chambers^ Journal (47, Paternoster Row ; Monthly, 7d.) has been cele*
brated for the popular and instructive character of its essays and tales for
nearly half a century.
Charing Cross Magazine (S, Friar Street, Broadway, E.G. ; Monthly, 6d,),
of miscellaneous literature. Established in 1872.
Church of England Publications :— i. Church Bells (Paternoster Buildings,
E.C.; Weekly, id.) 2. Church Review (ll, Burleigh Street, W.C. ;
Weekly, id.) 3. Church Tifnes (32, Little Queen Street, W.C. ; Weekly,
Id.) The two latter are strong party newspapers, with Ritualistic views. 4.
Church and State (Friar Street, Broadway, E.G.; Weekly, id.). Church of
England articles, stories, essays, and reviews. 5. Church Sunday School
Magazine (34, New Bridge Street, E.C. ; Monthly, 4d.), for Sunday school
teachers. 6. Churchman's Companion (78, New Bond Street ; Monthly, 6d.),
High Church ; essays, reviews, and tales. Established in 1847. 7. Church-
man's Shilling Magazine and Family Treasury (T, Paternoster Buildings, E.C. ;
Monthly, is.), religious articles, verses, reviews, &c. 8. Church Quarterly
Review (New Street Square, E.C; 6s.) 9. Ecclesiastical Gazette (13, Charing
Dictionary of the Periodical Press. 115
Cross, S.W. J Monthly, 6d. ; sent gratuitously to the leading clergy). lo.
English Churchman (2, Tavistock Street, W.C. ; Weekly, 3d.) II. Friendly
Leaves (187, Piccadilly ; Monthly, id.), illustrated magazine for working
girls. 12. Guardian (5, Burleigh Street, Strand; Wednesday, 6d.), was es-
tablished in 1846 by several Oxford
men. The story of the Guardian
— its early struggles, the brilliance
of its staff, the service it has done
to high Anglicanism and to political Liberalism, the distinctions won by its
proprietors — will, when written, be one of the most interesting, if not romantic,
chapters in a detailed history of journals and journalism. An organ of which
any party may be proud, the Guardian is also read by outsiders, who appreciate
its excellent foreign correspondence, its carefully-arranged summary of news,
and, above all, its notices of books, which are among the very best that
appear. Mr. Sharp is the most successful of editors, and he evidently has a
sub-editor who is worthy of his chief. 13. John Bull [6, Whitefriars Street,
E.G. ; Weekly, 5d.), avowedly set on foot in 1820 with the object of assail-
ing Queen Caroline and those who espoused her cause. " On the subject of
this sickening woman," politely remarked yij/^w Bull'xa. an early number, "we
shall enter into no arguments or discussions, because they go for nothing at
this period of her adventures." The law of libel was soon made unpleasantly
familiar to the registered printers and proprietors of the lively paper, which
was edited by Theodore Hook. He, however, disliked to be known as the
editor, and even wrote a letter to his own columns disavowing his connexion
with the paper, and at the same time published an editorial paragraph calling
attention to the disavowal, and sneering unmercifully at himself. The success
oi John Bull v{z.s extraordinary, its circulation amounting to 10,000 in the
sixth week of its publication. On the death of Queen Carohne in 1821, the
occupation of the paper was gone ; and it subsequently changed its character
1 1 6 'Journals and Journalism.
so far as to become, what it now is, a Church of England newspaper, 14.
Literary Churchman (163, Piccadilly, W. ; Fortnightly, 4d.), reviews of
books and articles on Church topics; high intone. 15. Monthly Packet of
Evening Readings {6, Va.\.e.xnositt Ro-vi ; is.), High Church magazine of reli-
gious and general reading. i6. Parish Magazine (2, Paternoster Building?,
E.C. ; Monthl)^ id.). Church of England family magazine, localized in several
places. 17. Record (i. Red Lion Court, Fleet Street ; Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday, 2jd.), an Evangelical journal which was once, strange to say,
contributed to by his Eminence Cardinal Newman. Hence the Record dates
back into the dim past, having been born in 1828, five years before there was
any Oxford Movement to vex its soul. 18. Rock (Southampton Street, W.C. ;
Weekly, id.), a Low Church journal ; formerly belonged to Mr. Colling-
ridge, but recently changed hands, and has lost in the transfer some of its
old spice.
Colburn's New Monthly 3/agazi»e
(11, Ave Maria Lane, E.C. ; Monthly,
2s. 6d.), essays, reviews, &c. Edited
by Guy Roslyn.
Contemporary Revie-u {^^, Faternostei Row ; Monthly, 2s. 6d.), established
in 1866, and was edited for some time by Dean Alford ; his place was taken
in 1870 by Mr. James Knowles, whose connection with the magazine ceased
seven years later. The conduct of the Contemporary, which is admirably
arranged with a view to representing all shades of religious, political, and
philosophical opinion, has since been undertaken in great part by Mr. Alex-
ander Strahan, its publisher and proprietor.
Cornhill Magazine (15, Waterloo Place, S.W. ; Monthly, is.), an illus-
trated miscellaneous magazine, started in i860, under Thackeray's editorship,
with brilliant success. It was able, being almost unique of its kind at the time,
to command the foremost pens and pencils of all England. Thackeray himself.
Dictionary of the Periodical Press. 117
John Ruskin, George Eliot, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Matthew Arnold,
Anthony Trollope, and Mrs. Gaskell, were among the writers, whose works were
illustrated by Millais, Leighton, Fred Walker, Doyle, Du Maurier. Of the
first number over 110,000 were sold. In its pages have appeared from time to
time several of the classical novels of the day, and some of the best essays.
Under the conduct of Mr. Leslie Stephen, the son-in-law oftha»first editor, the
magazine has kept up its old prestige, with the addition, perhaps, of a little more
cultivation of modern "restheticism. " Thackeray's tradition of liberality has
been followed uniformly in the CornhilCs dealings with its contributors.
Country and Sporting Publications ; — I. Agricultural Eco7tomist{arT, Mill-
bank Street, Westminster ; Weekly, 6d.) 2. Bell's Life in London (9, Catherine
Street, Strand ; Weekly, 4d.) 3. BelPs Weekly Messenger (26, Catherine
Street, Strand; Weekly, 6d.) 4. C(?««^;j (170, Strand; Weekly, 3d.) 5.
Country Gentleman'' s Magazine {13A, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street ; Monthly,
IS.) 6. Farmer (13A, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street ; Weekly, 5d.) 7.
Field (346, Strand ; Weekly, 6d.), established in 1864 ; one of the fine news-
paper properties which Serjeant Cox left behind him. 8. Fishing Gazette
(II, Ave Maria Lane, E.C. ; Weekly, 2d.) 9. Floral Magazine (5, Henri-
etta Street, W.C; Monthly, 3s. 6d.) 10. Floral World (Groombridge and
Sons, Paternoster Row; Monthly, 6d.) 11. Garden (37, Southampton
Street, W.C; Weekly, 6d.) 12. Gardener (37, Paternoster Row ; Monthly,
6d.) 13. Gardeners Chronicle (41, Wellington Street, W.C. ; Weekly, 5d.)
14. Gardenei^s Magazine (ll, Ave Maria Lane, E.G.; Weekly, 2d.) 15.
Horticultural Recoi-d (;^l'j. Strand ; Weekly, id.) 16. Illustrated Sporting
and Dramatic News (148, Strand ; Weekly, 6d.), founded in 1873, and
belonged at one time to Mr. Ingram, of the Illustrated London A^ews. 17.
Journal of Horticulture (171, Fleet Street; Weekly, 3d.) 18. Land and
Water (176, Fleet Street ; Weekly, 6d.), an entertaining paper, the fishing
and natural history department of which is conducted by Mr. Frank Buckland.
1 1 8 'Journals and Journalism,
19. Magnet (19, Exeter Street, W.C; Weekly, s^d.) 20. Referee (17,
Wine Office Court, Fleet Street ; Weekly, id.), an exceedingly smartly
written journal of sport, politics, and the drama. 21. Sporting Gazette and
Agricultural Journal (135, Strand; Weekly, 4d.), started in 1862; contains
portraits of sporting celebrities. 22. Sporting Life (148, Fleet Street ; Wednes-
day and Saturday, id.) 23. Sporting Opinion (61, Fleet Street ; Monday, id.)
24. Sporting Times (52, Fleet Street ; Weekly, 2d.) 25. Sportsman (Boy
Court, Ludgate Hill ; on Saturday, 3d.; on other days, 2d.)
Court Circular (2, Southampton Street, Strand ; Weekly, 5d.), was started
in 1856, as a rival of the Court Journal. Its first editor was Mr, H. Prender-
gast ; and a little more than ten years after its first appearance it was sold to
Mr. Edward Walford, who, after editing it for a short time, re-sold it to Mr.
W. H. Stephens.
Court Journal (36, Tavistock Street, W.C; Weekly, 5d.), an occasion-
ally illustrated record of Court and fashion, which has existed since 1829.
Daily Chronicle (Salisbury Square, Fleet Street ; id.) This paper was
established as the Clerkenwell News in 1855, vmder which title it was con-
tinued until Mr. Lloyd (of Lloyd's Weekly News) purchased it, and issued it
daily under its new designation, no longer as a local organ, but as a Liberal
paper for the public in general. The success attending the transition has been
great, and Mr. Lloyd has now two fine newspaper properties instead of one.
Daily News (Bouverie Street, E.C. ; Daily, id.) had the distinction of
being introduced to the world, in 1846, by Charles Dickens as its first editor.
Among its proprietors were Messrs. Bradbury and Evans, Sir William
Jackson, M.P., Sir Joseph Paxton, and Sir Joshua Walmsley ; its manager
was Mr. Charles Wentworth Dilke, the member for Chelsea's grandfather ;
and among its prominent writers — who were all very handsomely remunerated
— were John Forster, Harriet Martineau (one of the very few ladies who
have written political leaders), and Mr. M'Cullagh Torrens, Finsbury's M.P.
Dictionary of the Periodical Press. 119
Charles Dickens did not make a good editor for a daily, and the chair he
vacated after an occupancy of only a few months was subsequently filled by
John Forster, and then by Knight Hunt, author of " The Fourth Estate."
During the first years of its existence the Daily News was published at great
pecuniary sacrifice — successive changes in its price from 5d. to 2^d., from 2^d.
to 3d., and back again to 5d. proving ineffectual to transform losses into
profits. As a penny paper the Daily News has found its right field, and
fulfilled its mission ; it is now not only a literary but also a commercial
success. Its circulation is known to have largely increased since the General
Election, political papers being always benefited by their own party's tenure
of power. The present editor, Mr. Frank Harrison Hill, was formerly a
leader-writer on its staff, and is well-known as a political writer. Mr. J. R.
Robinson may claim to share with Mr.
Hill the credit attaching to the conduct of J^^,-^ ^f^~) r-> ^
the Daily News; for it is largely to his (^y^^^'c^><Oy^^^^^'^'^^'^
great qualities as a manager that the
prestige of the paper is due. He it is who has gathered men like
Archibald Forbes (whose accompanying
autograph the reader may well imagine /]. r— \ *
to have been penned amid the heat and '-^f -C ^ wl/VXC'"'-^
hurry of a battle) and W. H. Lucy -^
(who writes the Parliamentary summary for its columns) round the office in
Bouverie Street. Among the present pro-
prietors of the Daily News are Sir Charles Hh-'Z^r-'^
Reed, Mr. Samuel Morley, and Mr. Labou- ^v ^"^^ '■^^^■^^^■^
chere, the latter being the Besieged Resident
who contributed to its columns a graphic account of Paris during the
Daily Telegraph (135, Fleet Street ; Daily, id.), started in 1855 by Colonel
120 'Journals and 'Journaltsm.
Sleigh, who had the bad luck which is almost the rule in the case of the
founders of new papers. After running the Daily Telegraph and Courier (as
it was then called) at only twopence (an unprecedented price in those days)
until he could run it no longer, the Colonel resigned it into the hands of Mr.
Levy, one of his creditors. It is said to have been a toss up with Mr. Levy
whether he should take the paper — a toss up, that is, whether he would or would
not make himself the master of a magnificent fortune. For the Telegraph pros-
pered under new management. The advertisements in its columns then
brought in a daily revenue of 7/6, but now they bring, according to Mr. Grant,
a sum of about ^^500 ; and the literary scope and excellence of the paper has
increased in like proportion. One of Mr. Levy's early acts was to halve the
price of the Telegraph, which made a sensation by supplying for a penny a
double sheet similar to that for which the Times charged fourpence. The
abolition of the paper duty added to the profits of the new daily many thousands
of pounds a year, and also enabled the proprietors to print on better material
than before. The circulation of the Telegraph is the largest in the world ; its
social, chatty articles giving it a charm
for the general reader. Largely con-
tributed to by the king of journalists, Mr.
George Augustus Sala, the Telegraph is
conducted by Mr. Edward L. Lawson, aided by Mr. Edwin Arnold, C.S.I.,
and a well organized staff.
Day of Rest (34, Paternoster Row, E.G. ; Monthly, 6d.), general literature
for Sunday reading. Describes itself as " Unsectarian, " a term which, in the
case of several publications (perhaps the Day of Rest \% one of them), would
often mislead High Anglicans or Catholics who supposed it meant toleration
for any theology which was not either Low or Broad.
Echo (22, Catherine Street, W.C. ; Evening,; ^d.), founded by Messrs.
Cassell, Fetter & Galpin in 1868, edited by Mr. Arthur Arnold, now member
ow; ^^w^
Dictionary of the Periodical Press. 1 2 1
for Salford, and sub-edited by Mr. G. Barnett Smith, an able and industrious
litterateur. Mr. J. Passmore Edwards, M.P., now owns the Echo and edits it
with verve.
Economist (340, Strand, W.C. ; Weekly, 3d.), a journal of commerce,
mining, political economy, &c., established in 1843.
Edinburgh Review (39, Paternoster Row; Quarterly, 6s.), established in 1802,
under circumstances which everyone remembers. Jeffrey, Brougham, Macaulay,
had talent enough between them to produce a publication that was striking and
readable enough in its day, though the absence of current interest makes a
perusal of the great bulk of its articles in the old numbers a trifle tedious
now. How Brougham was jealous of all his fellow contributors, especially
disliking Macaulay, whom he called the biggest bore in London, and how
Macaulay reciprocated the hostile feeling, is all told in the correspondence of
Macvey Napier, editor of the Edinburgh for many years, and is not one of
the pleasantest chapters in literary history. In this quarterly, as in its great
Tory rival, the articles are always headed by the title of a book, or of a number
of books ; but one occasionally suspects that one is really perusing an original
essay, rather than a review. In fact, Macaulay owned that he ignored his
author when, in devoting a hundred pages of the Edinburgh to what pur-
ported to be a notice of the " Memoirs of the Life of Warren Hastings,
by the Reverend G. R. Gleig," he introduced an eloquent disquisition on
Indian history with the candid avowal, " We are inclined to think that we
shall best meet the wishes of our readers if, instead of dwelling upon the
faults of this book, we attempt to give our own view of the life and character
of Mr. Hastings ; " nor does Mr. Gleig's name appear more than three times
in the whole paper. The Edinburgh has been edited for nearly a quarter of
a century by Mr. Henry Reeve, C.B., the eminent litterateur, to whom
Charles Greville confided his celebrated "Journal" for publication.
Educational Publications : — I. Educational Times {1, Gough Square, E.G. ;
1 2 2 'Journals and Journalism.
Monthly, 6d.) 2, Scholastic World (i, Wine Office Court, Fleet Street ;
Monthly, 2d.) 3. School Board Chronicle
(72, TummillSt., E.G.; Weekly, 3d.),
the organ of the School Boards, edited
by Mr. R. Gowing, formerly editor of
Gentleman^ s Magazine. 4. Schoolmaster (14, Red Lion Court ; Weekly, id.)
Examiner (lid, Strand; Weekly, 3d.) has a notable history, both literary
and political, which dates back nearly to the beginning of the century. When
Leigh Hunt edited the paper, Byron and Shelley were interestingly connected
with it, the latter declaring that his poems
/ ^ / //^ JL,—-^ were not thought good enough by Leigh
(X^C^jAl^ (yfli/^'Z Hunt to be printed there! The
^ Examiner, long the property of Mr.
Peter Taylor, the Radical M.P., has recently changed hands more than once,
and has also halved its price. Both
the Examiner and Life are under
the editorial direction of Mr. Charles
Williams, who has done good work
as a war correspondent, and in other walks of his profession.
Family Herald (421, Strand; Weekly, id,), an old-established journal of
popular tales and essays.
Family Reader (300, Strand ; Weekly, id.), an illustrated miscellany of stories
and essays.
Fortnightly Review (193, Piccadilly ; Monthly, 2s. 6d.), ably edited by Mr.
John Morley, a Radical in politics and a Positivist in religion.
Eraser's Magazine (39, Paternoster Row ; Monthly, 2s. 6d.), political and
social essays ; lately edited by W. Allingham, and now by Principal Tulloch.
Freemason (198, Fleet Street ; Weekly, 2d.)
Freemason^s Chronicle (67, Barbican, E.G. ; Weekly, 3d.)
Dictionary of the Periodical Press. 123
Fun (153, Fleet Street ; Weekly, id.), established in i860, and, in its illus-
tration department, especially memorable for the drawings of Mr. Sullivan.
Funny Folks (Red Lion Court, Fleet .^ c;;;;*^
Street ; Weekly, id.), edited by Mr. [jj ^^^^X^aJUU\%> ^UaAAM
William Sawyer, who has written much f . \
and well in prose and verse. ^"''^
Genealogist (55, Great Russell Street, W.C. ; Quarterly, 2s. 6d.)
Gentleman's Magazine {:z\\, Piccadilly ; Monthly, is.) has a splendid history,
dating from 1731, about which a volume might be written. It has altered its
character of late years, and no longer contains that chronicle of contemporary
events which makes the back volumes so valuable now, but is wholly occupied
with high-class general literature.
Globe (no. Strand ; Evening, id.), started in 1802 by the London publishers,
who considered themselves uncivilly treated by the Morning Post, then their
principal advertising medium. The John Murray of that day was one of its
great supporters ; but the paper's want of success soon led to the falling away
of most of the publishers, and Mr. Lane, the manager, had an almost lonely
struggle before he put the Globe upon a commercially sound basis. With the
Globe has been incorporated the Traveller, and several other evening papers,
which were obliged to relinquish a separate existence. For the first sixty
years of its issue the Globe was a Liberal paper, and its change to the other
political side caused as much comment as the recent and contrary transition of
the Pall Mall. Once upon a time a past editor of the Globe had a furious
controversy with D'Israeli the younger ; but the Lord Beaconsfield of to-day has
few more able and sincere admirers than the editor and staff of the pink sheet.
Good Words (56, Ludgate I^ill ;
Monthly, 6d.), a magazine of literature,
fiction, essays, poetry, &c,, which has
9 large circulation, and which remu-
124 Journals and Journalism,
nerates its distinguished writers with marked liberality. It is edited by
Dr. McLeod, who is substantially assisted in that task by Mr. Alexander H.
Japp— himself a delightful writer. Good Words, as its name would imply, is
.y strongly tinged with religion, and is
y< / y /^AiU / '^'^'^^^^^^ *^° supply Sunday reading to
^ UUlAdiyhl/r^^'^^ pious households which are yet
'* not so strict as to taboo the secular
interest of Mr. Black's novels (Mr. Black has been a busy journalist in his
day), and of briskly-written sketches of travel and adventure.
Graphic (190, Strand ; Weekly, 6d.) divides with the Illustrated London
News a particular field of illustrated journalism, and is planned upon much
the same lines as its contemporary and competitor. The latter, until the
Graphic started, had had no rival except the Illustrated Times, which was
short-lived, in spite of its excellent letterpress. Our business being here
entirely with the literary part of the paper, we will say nothing of the
engravings, which (under the management of Mr. Thomas) are, of course, its
distinguishing feature. Its tone is decidedly light ; its articles are chatty and
of the widest range ; it contains batches of paragraphs upon the current
topics of the day, vers de societe, and a quantity of attractive scraps of all
kinds. It is not closed to the efforts of aspiring outsiders. The Graphic,
edited by Mr. Arthur Locker, brother of the
l^l^'yf^t^^?^ /^--tVi!^^^ author of the popular "London Lyrics,"
^\y and himself a poet, has succeeded brilliantly
from its first number, both here and in
America, whither it is regularly sent in stereotype to be reprinted there.
Hand and Heart {i, Paternoster Buildings, E.G.; Weekly, id.), a popular
"journal of news and entertaining literature."
House and Home (335, Strand ; Weekly, id.), an occasionally illustrated
journal of sanitation, house improvement, and domestic economy.
Dictionary of the Periodical Press. 125
Illustrated London News (198, Strand ; Weekly, 6d.), founded in 1842 by
Mr. Ingram, who — like his son, the present proprietor of the paper — repre-
sented Boston in Parliament. At first a struggling enterprise, at times almost
parted with in despair for a trifling sum, the Illustrated developed into a
splendid property. It is no hyperbole to say that it is known wherever the
English language is spoken, and that it circulates with the sun. Its letter-
press combines the solid and the light ; it often contains art criticism of quite
unusual excellence, and Mr. Sala's altogether distinctive pen has lately
brightened its pages with paragraphs on the current topics of the week.
Jewish Publications: — X.Jewish Chronicle {^"i, Finsbury Square; Weekly,
ad.) 2. Jewish World (8, South Street, Finsbury ; Weekly, id.)
Judy (73, Fleet Street ; Weekly, 2d.), an illustrated humorous journal.
Juvenile publications of all kinds exist in such enormous numbers that we
excuse ourselves from making a list of them here ; the more willingly because
they are so low in price that an amateur ordering a shilling's-worth at his
bookseller's will obtain a bundle of such publications, and be able to examine
the character of their columns before becoming a candidate for a place in
Kensington (ii, Stationers' Hall Court, E.G.; Monthly, 6d.), a literary
magazine and review, edited by Mrs. Leith Adams.
Ladies' Publications: — i. Englishwoman' s Domestic Magazine (Dorset Build-
ings, Salisbury Square, E.G. ; Monthly, is.), illustrated miscellany of litera-
ture, fashions, and needlework. 2. Englishwoman'' s Reviezn of Social and
Industrial Questions (57, Ludgate Hill ; Monthly, 6d.), advocates the ad-
vancement of women. 3. Ladies' Treasury and Treasury of Literature (10,
Paternoster Buildings, E.G. ; Monthly, 6d.), literature, domestic economy,
and fashion, i^. Myra^s Journal of Dress and Fashion {\q, Bedford Street,
W. G. ; Monthly, 3d.) 5. Queen (346, Strand; Weekly, 6d.), a large and
singularly complete ladies' newspaper ; one of the splendid journalistic
126 Journals and 'Journalism.
properties of the late Serjeant Cox, and now owned by his representatives. It
frequently contains ably-written articles, and a capital collection of general
news, so that it is by no means despised by the husbands and fathers and
brothers of its subscribers. In its feminine departments — presided over by a
most able editress, under whose conduct the paper has risen to its present
eminent position — it is at once practical, artistic, housewdfely, and millinerial.
6. Sylvia's Home Journal (Dorset Buildings, Salisbury Square, E.G. ;
Monthly, 6d.), a ladies' journal of tales, stories, patterns, and fashions. 7.
Woman's Gazette, or News about Work (187, Piccadilly, W. ; Monthly, 2d.),
advocates the advancement and employment of woman. 8. Young Ladies'
Journal [IZS, Salisbury Square, E.G. ; Weekly, id.), fashions, needlework,
and tales.
Legal Publications:— I. Law Journal (5, Quality Gourt, Ghancery Lane;
Weekly, 6d.) 2. Law Times (10, Wellington Street, W.C. ; Weekly, is.),
was the property of the late Serjeant Gox.
Leisure Hour (56, Paternoster Row; Monthly, 6d.), a well-conducted
illustrated magazine of stories and popular essays for family reading.
Life (136, Strand ; Weekly, 6d.), one of the society papers, started in 1879,
and soon distinguished by the pretty phototype reproductions of fair faces,
generally drawn by Frank Miles, and of Continental pictures. Mr. R. Davey,
a journalist with a reputation on both sides the Atlantic, was in a sense the
literary father of Life, but it was eventually produced under the editorial
care of Mr. H. P. Stephens. The paper was recently transferred from its first
proprietors to the owner of the Examiner, and both papers are conducted
under the same roof.
Literary World (13, Fleet Street ; Weekly, id.), a popular journal of
literature, containing notices of books, and articles of literary interest.
Lloyd's Weekly London Newspaper (12, Salisbury Square, Fleet St. ; Sunday,
Id.), a Liberal paper for the people. The editorial chair left vacant in
Dictionary of the Periodical Press. 127
1857 by the death of Douglas Jerrold was filled by his son, Mr. Blanchard
Jerrold, who has written much for the Daily ^
News, the Morning Post, the Gentleman's t /) f ^/V>^
Magazine, the Athenceum, and is also the J^jaj. JU Q/*^ I/^ ^^^
author of many well-known works. - - ^
London Figaro (35, St. Bride St., E.G. ; Weekly, id.), a smartly-written
political, critical, and satirical journal, edited by Mr. J. Mortimer, who was
recently imprisoned /or publishing Mrs. Weldon's statements about certain
domestic affairs.
London Jou7-nal (332, Strand; Weekly, id.), a miscellany of fiction and
popular papers, established in 1845.
London Reader (334, Strand ; Weekly, id.), an illustrated journal of light
London Society (188, Fleet Street ; Monthly, is.), a magazine of general
literature, lately edited by Florence ^ ^,<^^
Marryat, and now by Mr. Hogg ; it is the ^;^>>— ^'V— --'' c/r~''^^^~^
lightest of the shilling monthlies, for while // ^/T
the others always introduce more or less
solid padding into their numbers, London Society frankly eschews everything
that is not amusing.
Macmillan' s Magazine (29, Bedford Street, Covent Garden; Monthly, is.),
since its foundation in 1859, has contained stories and essays of great merit.
Edited by Mr. Grove, who succeeded Professor David Masson, Mac?nillan's
takes a high literary place among its contemporaries, which are also in a sense
its imitators.
Manufacturing and Mechanical Publications : — I. Design and Work (41,
Tavistock Street, W.C. ; Weekly, 2d.) 2. Engineer (163, Strand ; Weekly,
6d.) 3. Engineering and Building Times (125, Fleet St. ; Weekly, 2d.)
4. English Mechanic and World of Science (31, Tavistock St., W.C. ; Weekly,
2d.) 5. Iron (12, Fetter Lane, E.G. ; Weekly, 6d.)
128 yournals and Journalism,
Z /. J^eM:sZi.
Medical Publications: — British Medical Journal {i6i A, Strand; Weekly,
6d.), official organ of the British Medical Association. 2. Health (Sheffield
Street, Lincoln's Inn ; Monthly, id.), family magazine of sanitary and social
interest. 3. Herald of Health (429, Oxford Street ; Monthly, id.), maga-
zine of sanitary and social science.
Edited by Dr. T. L. Nichols, who,
besides being a successful author, has
done journalistic work as London cor-
respondent of a New York paper, and in other ways. 4. Homeopathic World
(2, Finsbury Circus, E.G. ; Monthly, 6d.) ^. Journal of Mental Science (il,
New Burlington Street, W. ; Quarterly, 3s. 6d.), organ of the Medico-
Psychological Association, 6. Za«f^^ (423, Strand ; "Weekly, 7d.), the leading
organ of the medical profession. 7. Medical Times and Gazette (11, New
Burlington Street, W. ; Weekly, 6d.) 8. Monthly Homoeopathic Review (59,
Moorgate Street, E.G.; is.)
Methodist Publications:—!. Methodist (317, Strand^; Weekly, id.) 2.
Methodist Recorder (161, Fleet St. ; Weekly, id.) 3. Primitive Methodist
(4, Wine Office Gourt, Fleet St. ; Weekly, id.) 4. Watchman (i6i. Fleet
St.; Weekly, 3d.)
Morning Advertiser (127, Fleet Street ; Daily, 3d.), the organ of the
Licensed Victuallers; it was established in 1794 by a society of that fraternity,
every member agreeing to take in the paper daily, and each member to be
entitled to a share in the profits. Down to 1850 the paper circulated only
among publicans and the lower class of coffise-house keepers ; but at that date
an effort was m.ade to extend its operations. The paper was enlarged and
improved, and a circulation of under 5,000 copies grew in four years until it was
nearly doubled, and the 1,500 or 1,600 proprietors were dividing a profit of
;^i2,ooo a year. The late Mr. James Grant was for many years editor of the
Morning Advertiser, and which was at one time contributed to by Lord
Dictionary of the Periodical Press. 129
Morning Post {12, Wellington St., W.C. ; Daily, 3d.), a political, general
and fashionable newspaper; was founded so long ago as 1772, and when first
issued was the size of one sheet of the Fall Mall Gazette of to-day. At one
period in its history the paper was owned in part by the Prince Regent, whose
breakfast-table literature at Carlton House, according to one of our poets,
consisted of " Death warrants and the Morning Post." Its writers in the past
have included Charles Lamb, Southey, Sir James Mackintosh, Wordsworth,
Tom Moore, Praed and Coleridge, the latter being one of successive and
successful editors. When the venerable paper celebrated its centenary on
Nov. 2nd, 1872, it devoted several columns to a most interesting account of its
own history. With Sir Algernon
Borthwick for its present proprietor
and editor, and with an able staff at
his side, the Post maintains its old '
prestige, and never carried more ^^^'
weight with its political, social, and literary verdicts than it does now.
Music :— I. Musical Standard (185, Fleet Street ; Weekly, 3d.) 2.
Musical Titties (i, Berners Street, W. ; Monthly, 3d.) 3. Musical World
(244, Regent Street; Weekly, 4d.)
Nature (29, Bedford Street, Strand; Weekly, 6d.) deals with scientific
discoveries and books. Published by Messrs. Macmillan & Co. , and edited by
Dr. J. Norman Lockyer, Nature is quite the best organ for the class of readers
for whom it is particularly designed.
Nineteetith Century (i, Paternoster Square; Monthly, 2S. 6d.), founded and
edited by Mr. James Knowles,an able man, who was formerly an architect, having
built, among other places, the Surrey residence of Mr. Alfred Tennyson, his great
friend and the contributor to his periodical. Mr. Knowles formerly edited the
Contemporary, which the Nineteenth Century resembles in its general scope *,
F 2
1^0 "Journals and Journalism.
and he originated in 1869 the Metaphysical Society, whose members reflected
the most various phases of current thought. As its name imphes, the Nine-
teenth Century is intended to be in every way of its time ; it allows the
principal intellectual battles (especially the theological and anti- theological
controversy) to be fought out in its arena without fear or favour. Every one
of its articles, it may be added, is signed by a name of some note.
Nonconformist (13, Fleet Street; Weekly, 6d.), a paper that embodies the
best traditions of Liberalism and Nonconformity, is conscientiously conducted,
and often has exceptionally discriminating notices of books.
Notes and Queries (20, Wellington Street, W.C. ; Weekly, 4d.) contains
antiquarian, literary, scientific and artistic memoranda and information, chiefly
contributed by outside correspondents.
Observer (396, Strand ; Sunday, 4d.), a political, social and literary news-
paper with a history which goes back as far as 179 1, and at no period of which
was it in a better position than it is now.
Pall Mall Budget (6d.) is a weekly collection of articles printed in the Pall
Mall Gazette, with a summary of news.
Pall Mall Gazette (2, Northumberland Street, Strand; Every Evening, 2d.),
established in 1865 by Mr. George Smith, head of the firm of Smith, Elder,
and Co., as proprietor, and Mr. Frederick Greenwood as editor. Several
thousand pounds were spent, in announcing its advent and otherwise, at its
inception, and it paid its contributors munificently. In spite of this expendi-
ture, and the high standing the paper took from the first, it proved an un-
profitable enterprise for many years. James Greenwood's first "Amateur
Casual " article (for which he received loo guineas) drew the Pall Mall into a
more general popularity ; but, notwithstanding, serious changes in the paper
were deemed necessary, the price being lowered from twopence to a penny —
and without any success. The next experiment was to publish, in 1870, a
morning as well as an evening edition of the Pall Mall, and the experiment
Dictionary of the Periodical Press. i 31
spelled ruin. The first form was then recurred to and is still retained, the
paper having become a fine property in the meantime. The political history
of.the Pall Mall is well known, and has lately been the subject of great com-
ment. Only a few weeks after Mr. Gladstone, then in opposition, had con-
fessed that the Pall Mall was his most able arraigner in the press, the public
was surprised to hear that the same statesman, having regained office, was in a
position to compliment the very same evening journal, "written by gentlemen
for gentlemen," on being no longer his keenest foe, but his kindest friend.
The fact was that Mr. Smith had transferred the paper to his son-in-law, Mr.
Henry Yates Thompson, to whom, a Liberal, its political independence
was not acceptable. The change of proprietorship necessitated a change in the
editorial department also, Mr. Greenwood resigning a post he could no longer
conscientiously retain, not without a keen and natural regret in parting from a
paper which he " planned, down to the little details of paper and type," which
are so dear to the journalistically paternal mind. Mr. F. W. Joynes, the
principal sub-editor of the paper from its foundation till 1 880, retired with his
chief, also some members of the staff.
Pan (4, Lugdate Circus Buildings, E.C« ; Weekly, 6d.), a satirical journal,
edited by Mr. Alfred Thompson, whose only enemies will be "unjust, corrupt,
and cruel men, pretenders, upstarts, snobs, and humbugs,"
Pen (22, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, W.C. ; Monthly, 6d.) This
was originally started, in the spring of 1880, as a weekly two-penny literary
paper, differing from those already established by giving an exclusive
attention to literary subjects ; also by the reproduction of drawings from the
illustrated books under review ; and by the light articles and paragraphs
which popularized its pages. In their prospectus, the projectors of the
Pen stated their belief that " the best and most difficult function of the critic
is the discovery of merits rather than of defects;" and promised "that
while we shall praise nothing that is not good for the sake of being
132 journals and 'Journalism.
pleasant, we shall never be tempted into injustice for the mere sake
of being smart." Under new management, the Pen now appears as a
monthly, not exclusively devoted to criticism and news, but with an admixture
of fiction, travels, etc.
Penny Illustrated Paper (10, Milford Lane, Strand ; Weekly, id.)
Phonetic Jourtial {20, Paternoster Row, E.C.; Weekly, id.), Mr. Pitman's
organ of the Phonetic Society.
Pictorial World (63, Fleet Street; Weekly, 2d.), an illustrated family and
general newspaper.
Portfolio (54, Fleet Street ; Monthly, 2s. 6d.), a high-class art journal, to be
prized equally for its illustrations and its letterpress. Edited by Philip
Hamerton, the Portfolio cannot fail to be
charming ; and it also presents to amateurs
')>/Tyj'^i'*<*«^i'^'^ a fair field with no favour, as may be seen
jj^ ■ from the announcement: "The editor
desires to correct an impression that he accepts contributions only from writers
of estabUshed reputation. He will be most willing to give room to any writer
of real ability, whether he happens to be celebrated or not." A liberal decree,
from which Mr. Knowles of the Nineteenth Century would certainly dissent.
Public Opinimi (li, Southampton Street, Strand ; Weekly, 2d.), one of the
happy thoughts of journalism. A collection, week by week, of the differing
opinions of the home and continental press upon the events of the time ; is as
amusing as it is valuable. \Vhen the paper was in its youth, its compilers
combined tbeir quotations with a piquant effect of antithesis and mutual con-
tradiction, which seems now to be less considered. Original book-reviews
and a column of correspondence, kept up with considerable briskness, are
mingled with the quoted matter, which is excellently selected and arranged.
Punch (85, Fleet Street ; Weekly, 3d.) has played since 1841 a considerable
part in the political and social life of England. Its literar>' history is well
known. Editorially associated during recent years with the grave name of
Dictionary of the Periodical Press. 133
Tom Taylor, its columns have been
lightened by the incomparable writings ^- m,*-"***
of Mr. F. C. Burnand ; while the draw- y(^ ^J^e.^C-C^^it'^tC^ -
ings of Mr. du Maurier have further
helped its pages to retain their hold on the pubUc affection. Pwich is no believer
in the old maxim that the labourer is worthy of his hire, for it every week
declares that the editor does not undertake to pay for any outside contributions
, he may accept— an announcement which, in the interests of the amateur,
and for the credit of the profession, we own that we shall be glad to see
Quarterly Review (50, Albemarle Street, W. ; 6s.) has a history too well
known to need recapitulation here. The present occupant of the editorial
chair, in which Gifford and Lockhart formerly sat, is Dr. WiUiam Smith, of
Classical Dictionary fame, and otherwise a man of high literary distinction.
Queen (see Ladies' Publications).
Quiver (Ludgate Hill, E.G. ; Monthly, 6d.), a magazine of Sunday reading;
as popular and successful as everything of Messrs. Gassell, Fetter, Galpin, and
Co.'s appears to be.
Religious Publications :— I. Christian Age (107, Fleet Street ; Weekly, id.)
2. Christian Globe [2<), Farringdon Street, E.G. ; Weekly, id.) 3. Christian
Herald (2, Ivy Lane, E.G. ; Weekly, id.) 4. Christian Union (8, Salisbury
Square, Fleet Street; Weekly, id.) 5. Christian World (13, Fleet Street;
Weekly, id.)
Reynolds' Weekly Newspaper (313, Strand; Weekly, id.) advocates
Republican principles.
St. James's Gazette (Dorset Street, Fleet Street ; Evening, 2d.), the paper
founded by Mr. Frederick Greenwood after his secession from the Fall Mall
Gazette. The new organ, which resembles the Pall Mall in outward
appearance, and in its style differs from it only by being a little more jaunty,
made its debut on May 31st, 1880. Backed by a large amount of capital, read
I 34 'Journals and Journalism.
by independent politicians and by Conservatives, written and edited with
character and talent, the St. Jameses Gazette has been born with a silver spoon
in its mouth, and can hardly miss a prosperous career.
St. James's Magazine and United Empire Review [% Friar Street, Broadway,
E.G. ; Monthly, is.) novels, essays, political and biographical articles.
Saturday Revie^v (38, Southampton Street, Strand ; Weekly, 6d.), estab-
lished in 1855 ; connected in its proprietary with the name of Mr. Beresford-
Hope, M.P., and edited for some time by the late Mr. Cook. In many
respects a unique paper ; its very name has acquired a flavour of its own upon
the tongue— a taste of bitter herbs, astringent and not ungrateful. Yet the
Saturday Review is at least as remarkable for its liberal recognition of merits
as for its scorn of faults. It knows, indeed, how to use ridicule ; and if that
weapon is a legitimate, nay, valuable one, it is well that it should be employed
intelligently. The tone of the paper is strongly pronounced for morality and
for reverence towards the things which are generally accepted as sacred. It
has never occupied the now common neutral ground of absolute indifference to
all save " art " and " honour " ; it is scholarly, making, perhaps, a specialty
of historical and classical knowledge. The political articles lead off, followed
by papers of social and other current subjects of interest in smaller type, these
being succeeded by book reviews, in the course of which one author is gene-
rally crushed in each number. Periodical notices of German, American, and
other foreign publications are a marked feature of the Saturday Review.
There is no political or other trimming in its columns. It has lately stung
Mr. Gladstone into a hot retort ; but Lord Beaconsfield, in past years, felt
the same lash, wielded, in his case, by the Marquis of Salisbury, who then
increased by his pen the income of a younger son.
Service Publications : — I. Army and Navy Gazette (16, Wellington Street,
W.C. ; Weekly, 6d.), edited by Dr. W. H. Russell, the famous correspon-
dent of The Times and the Telegraph. 2. Broad Arrow (2, Waterloo Place,
Dictionary of the Periodical Press, 135
S.W. ; Weekly, 6d.) 3. Civil Service
Gazette (6, Salisbury Street, Strand ;
Weekly, 3d.) 4. Colbtcrn's United Ser-
vice Magazine (13, Great Marlborough
Street ; Monthly, 3s. 6d.) 5. Naval Chronicle (18, Adam Street, Strand ;
Monthly, 6d.) 6. Naval and Military Gazette (4, Spring Gardens, Charing
Cross ; Weekly, 3d.) 7. United Service Gazette (7, Wellington Street, W.C. ;
Weekly, 6d.) 8. Volunteer Service Gazette (121, Fleet Street ; Weekly, 4d.)
Social Notes (16, Southampton Street, Strand ; Weekly, id.) Articles on
social reforms, requirements, and progress ; founded by the Marquis Towns-
hend, with Mr. S. C. Hall for first editor, his sorrowful experiences in that
capacity being chronicled in our law-court reports.
Society (84, Fleet Street ; Weekly, id.), ^^
a gossipy, bright little paper, in some C^^^j^;^Lr^^^<>*_*7^ ^y
ways the most wonderful pennyworth ^ ^ff"^^^^^ L^^l/t^
among the weeklies. — '
Spectator (i, Wellington Street, Strand ; Weekly, 6d.) has celebrated its
golden jubilee, but shows no sign of the decrepitude of age. Mr. R. H.
Hutton here mounts his pulpit every Saturday, with utterances of entire
honesty, which give to his paper a
singular interest and charm. Indepen- ^^ /l/f/ ^y ^y^-
dent, outspoken, and powerful in its ^>'i^m/-v//^/'^^--'^?^*^'t''-t —
political articles, the Spectator in its
literary notices is discriminating, candid, and fair ; and all its utterances on
religion are marked by a freedom from bias rare indeed in any newspaper, and
characteristic, like the other features of the journal, of Mr. Hutton's own mind.
Spiritualist Publications : — I. Medium and Daybreak (15, Southampton
Row, Holborn; Weekly, ijd.) 2. Spiritualist (11, Ave Maria Lane, E.G. ;
Weekly, 2d.)
^3^ 'Journals and Journalism.
.S^aw^ar^ (104, Shoe Lane, E.G.; Morning and Evening, id.) was originally
an evening paper only, and was specially designed to oppose the application of
the principles of civil and religious liberty to the case of the Roman Catholics
then in England. Dr. Giffard, an ultra-Protestant, was its first editor.
Appearing in 1S27, it was soon afterwards referred to hy \!n.& Morning Chronicle
as "a journal which has crawled into existence, and is fast hastening towards
dissolution." The Morning Chronicle itself fulfilled the amiable prediction it
had ventured in regard to a contemporary which, after some early struggles,
soon attained stability. When the Maynooth Grant was placed on the Con-
solidated Fund, the Standard, according to Mr. James Grant, modified its
hostility to the Catholic religion at the instance of Sir Robert Peel, who took
the precaution of influencing Dr. Giffard in favour of the measure before he
introduced it in the House ; and by its desertion of the ultra-Protestant cause
on this occasion it offended many of those who had previously given it a
warm support. The Standard long ago gave evidence of that honourable mode
of conducting political controversy for which it has lately been much com-
mended, refusing, as it did, to make common cause with its Tory contemporaries
against the Liberal administration in connection with the case of the Hon. Mrs.
Norton and Lord Melbourne, who was then Premier. The Statidard, after
it was an established success, passed from the hands of Mr. Edward Baldwin
(son of its first proprietor) into those of Mr. Johnstone, who reduced the price
from 4d. to 2d., and made it a morning as well as an evening paper. This was
in 1857 ; and in 1858 its price was further lowered to id., though its size was
increased. The Standard is one of the largest of the penny papers, and, perhaps
on this account, carries off the palm as to the variety and completeness of its
news. The Evening Standard is published under the same auspices and at
the same place as the morning issue, which it resembles in general excellence.
Statist (16, York St., W.C. ; Weekly, 6d.), financial and commercial statis-
tics and articles.
Dictionary of the Periodical Press. 137
Stmday at Home (ijo, Paternoster Row; Weekly, id.), family reading,
carefully selected, and well illustrated.
Sunday Magazine (56, Ludgate Hill ; Monthly, 6d.), stories, essays, verses,
for Sunday and general reading.
Sunday Times (8, New Bridge St., E.G. ; 2d,) A capital paper.
Temple Bar Magazine (8, New Burlington Street, W. ; Monthly, is.),
established in i860 close upon the great success of the Cornhill, and laid upon
much the same lines, save that it eschewed illustrations, and made^ a specialty
of a light and journaKstic style of essay, as was to be expected from the peculiar
talents of its first editor, Mr. Sala. Its novels, too, were distinctively of the
smart order, and this tradition it has preserved until now, by publishing some
of the briskest stories by the lady novelists most in vogue. A thoroughly
readable magazine, and its past numbers contain, among more ephemeral
matter, some memorable articles and poems.
Theatrical Publications: — i. Era (49, Wellington Street, W.C. ; Weekly,
5d.), founded in 1837; owned and ably conducted by Mr. Edward Ledger.
2. Theatre (26, Wellington Street, W.C. ; Monthly, is.), edited by Clement
Scott, the dramatic critic of the Daily Telegraph.
Times (Printing House Square, E.C. ; Daily, 3d.) "Madam, have you
seen Mr. Cambridge's excellent verses called * The Progress of Liberty ? '
They appeared in a paper called The Times " — so wrote Horace Walpole to
the Countess of Ossory on the 1 2th of December, 1789. From "a paper
called TJie Times'" to "the Leading
Organ " is a long jump, and the story
of it will, no doubt, be one day worthily
written. Here is only space for little
more than a few names and dates. First published in 1785, under the
title of the Daily Universal Register, by Mr. John Walter, the namesake and
grandfather of the present principal proprietor, at Printing House Square.
^3^ yournals and 'Journalism.
He was an ingenious man, a master of the technique of printing, trying many
doubtful experiments, and patenting various manifest improvements connected
with his craft. On the first day of the year 1788, the pappr appeared as The
Times — the older and cumbrous title having proved as injurious to it as did
Tristram to Mr, Shandy's son. To be " fashionable, humorous, and witty "
entered into the design of Mr. Walter's organ in those early years, and it con-
tained lively paragraphs such as now appear in the "society" papers. No
leading articles were published then ; and the number of advertisements in
the first issue of The Times was only ''57. Mr. Walter made the paper pros-
perous, and then transferred it in 1803 to his son, also a man of business
knowledge and capacity. In 18 10 The Times was certainly not open to that
charge of trimming which has been advanced against it of late, with some-
thing of exaggeration ; for its course was just then so unpleasant to the ruling
politicians that the Government advertisements were withdrawn from its
columns ; and so petty became the persecution, that the editor's packages from
abroad were stopped by Government at the outposts, while those for the
Ministerial journals were allowed to pass. After successive enlargements,
both in size and in circulation. The Times became difficult to produce in suffi-
cient numbers by the hand printing-presses, and Mr. Walter, after expending
much money and attention on attempts to meet the difficulty, at last produced,
in 1844, a copy of the paper printed by steam and machinery — to the intense
disgust of the pressmen in Printing House Square. The Times is now
said to be produced, on the Walter printing-press, at the rate of more than
20,000 copies an hour, by a system over which something like ;^5o,ooo has
been spent in bringing it to its present perfection. The Times has often acted
with great public spirit, as when it did much to cure the first fever of railway
speculation — at the loss of many thousands of pounds to its own coffers,
through the retaliative withdrawal of these speculative advertisements from
its columns. Thus has it earned its title of the Monarch of the Press. Its
Dictionary of the Periodical Press. 1 39
contributors (who are more handsomely paid than those of any other daily
paper) include many eminent men in various walks of life ; and its editor
enjoys a prestige of his own among journalists and in general society. Of
Mr. Delane, the late brilliant editor, we have spoken in earlier pages. His
cessation of labour was followed by another severe loss to The Times — the
retirement of its sub-editor, Mr. Stebbing. The
present occupant of the editorial throne is Mr.
Thomas Chenery, formerly known to fame only as
a distinguished Oriental scholar. ^ ( -
Tt>?ie (i, York Street, Covent Garden; Monthly, is.), a magazine of
general literature, brightly edited by Mr. Bdmund Yates.
Ti??tes Weekly Edition (2d.) has been published since 1877, containing
prominent contents of one week's daily issues.
Tinsley's Magazine (8, Catherine Street, Strand ; Monthly, is.) contains
essays and reviews, but is chiefly known for its fiction — largely contributed of
late by Mr. Richard Dowling, the young novelist whose " Mystery of Killard "
and " Weird Sisters " have scored a signal success.
Truth l(l(i. Queen Street, E.G. ; Weekly, 6d.), started in 1877 by Mr.
Labouchere. It has much in common with the World, devoting a large space
to the political, personal, and cynical paragraphs of which everybody more or
less protests that he disapproves, while everybody reads them. Truth is less
literary than the World, caring less for classical finish or technical excellence
than for spiciness and dash. The paper largely reflects the personality of the
editor, who has an efficient lieutenant in Mr. Horace Voules.
Unitarian Publications: — i. Christian Life (123, Fleet Street; Weekly, 2d.)
2. Inquirer (37, Norfolk Street, Strand ; Weekly, 5d.)
University Magazine (13, Great Marlborough Street; Monthly, 2s. 6d.),
critical essays and reviews. Formerly the Dublin University Magazine.
Vanity Fair (12, Tavistock Street, W.C. ; Weekly, is,), the first and
140 'Journals and yournalism,
chief of the existing " society papers," having been founded in 1868. Its
high price separates it somewhat from the ruck of its kind, and it is also
distinguished by its caricature portraits— unequal, but in some instances exces-
sively clever. Tales, articles— political, social, and critical— and the ubi-
quitous paragraph form the chief part of its contents.
Victoria Magazine (85, Praed Street,
W. ; Monthly, is.), conducted by Miss
Emily Faithfull, to forward the general
interests of women.
Walter Pelkam's Illustrated Journal (Fetter Lane, E.G.; Weekly, id.),
"a miscellany of romance, wit, and wisdom,"
Weekly Budget (Red Lion Court, Fleet Street ; Weekly, id.)
Weekly Dispatch (20, Wine Office Court, Fleet Street ; Sunday, id.),
a strongly conducted journal for the industrial classes, owned and edited by
Mr. Ashton W. Dilke, M.P.
Weekly Eeviexv (5, Drury Court, Strand ; Weekly, 4d.)
Weekly Ti?nes (332, Strand ; Sunday, id.)
Week^s News (91, Gracechurch Street, E.G. ; Weekly, 2d.)
Westminster /^eviezu {^y,hudgate Hill ; Quarterly, 6s.) General essays and
reviews written from the political and religious standpoint of the late John
Stuart Mill, its distinguished editor. The Westminster has excellent and
candid book reviews.
Whitehall Review (6, York Street, Govent Garden ; Weekly, 6d.), a " per-
sonal " journal with a special feature in the publication of portraits, principally
of ladies well known in the London world. For the rest, the ^/4//^/^a// contains
the articles, correspondence, essays, and, above all, the paragraphs which are
also characteristic of its competitors. It describes itself as the "journal of good
society, " and devotes much space to chit-chat on the sayings and doings of
persons of fashion. The Whitehall has an enterprising proprietor and editor
Dictionary of the Periodical Press. 141
in Mr. Edward Legge, a barrister-at-law, formerly connected with the
Morning Post.
World (i, York Street^ Covent Garden ; Weekly, 6d.), originated in 1874
by Mr. Edmund Yates, with the collaboration of Mr. Labouchere and Mr.
Grenville Murray, but now the sole property of Mr. Yates. Its own frank
description of itself as a "journal for men and women " is the best to label it
with. While amusing the men and women of town with scraps of news
about themselves and each other, told in the lightly cynical tone which they
themselves are in the habit of using, it interests
the men and women of a larger world with
its fresh, crisp, and capable political sketches,
portraits of "Celebrities at Home, "criticism
— the musical department being in particularly good hands — and short general
essays. Personal it undoubtedly is, but there is no denying the fact that
modern society has so far moderated its prejudices that personal journalism
is often anything but unacceptable to its subjects, while to its readers it
appears to be eminently acceptable. The IVor/d, besides, has always
preserved a certain masculine tone ; it disclaims the title of " society
paper," and has never condescended to Thackeray's favourite abomination —
"•^ "&"•■*/ "J — — ■>
rests ^ . ^
:hes, ^^^^-^..^^iL.^ Afy^
;ism c/
A ^^wn.
23 ^
I'Madrag. to which Give had been
appoint)/d^ was, at this time, penjaps,
the first in. importance of thdCom*
^^Inthe preceding- century^ Fort
Saint ^Qeorge had arisen on a
^spot/B^en beatea by a raging
surF^and in the jieighbotrrhood. a
towDj inhabited y(^-«»e5^ thousands
of natives^ had sprung tJp, as -they-
spr^'ng up in the JEast, with £he
rapidity of the prophet's gourd.
** Thgre were already in the suC^j-bs
many white villas^each surrounded
by its garden^ whither the agents of
theybrnpany retired, after the labours
of the desW to enjoy the cool breeze
which springs up at sunse^rom the
Bay of/Bengal/ The habits of these
meip^tile grandees appear to have
n more profuse, luxuries, and
ofistentatious than those of the high
judicial and political functioanries
who have succeeded them/ /Zor^
C^tve, hy Lord Macaulay.
j5 ^. C<iMl
^6 ^/
as (>
30 /-/
"MADRAS, to which Clive had
been appointed, was, at this time,
perhaps, the first in importance of
the Company's settlements. In the
preceding century, Fort Sf. George
had arisen on a barren spot beaten
by a raging surf; and in the neigh-
bourhood a town, inhabited by many
thousands of natives, had sprung up,
as towns spring up in the East, with
the rapidity of the prophet's gourd.
" There were already in the suburbs
many white villas (each surrounded
by its garden), whither the agents of
the Company retired, after the labours
of the desk and the warehouse, to
enjoy the cool breeze which springs
up at sunset from the Bay of Bengal.
The habits of these mercantile
grandees appear to have been more
profuse, luxurious, and ostentatious
than those of the high judicial and
political functionaries who have
succeeded them." — Lord Clive, by
Lord Macaulav.
1. Marks for turned commas, to designate
2. To change a word from small letters
to capitals, mark three lines under it, and
write caps, in the margin opposite.
3. Where there is a wrong letter, draw
the pen through that letter, and mark the
right one in the margin opposite, with a
down line following it.
4. When a paragraph commences where
it is not intended, connect the matter by a
line, and write in the margin opposite, no
break or run on.
5. Where a word has to be changed to
italic, make a line under the word, and
write italic in the margin.
6. Words to be transposed.
7. A semi-colon omitted.
8. Omission of a word is noticed by a
caret, A ^nd marking in the margin.
9. To draw the letters of a word close
together which stand apart.
10. The marks for a paragraph, when its
commencement has been omitted.
11. Substitution of a capital for a small
12. The substitution of a full point for a
comma or other point.
13. Superfluous letters or words should
be noticed by a line drawn through them,
and this mark written in the margin (dele,
take out).
14. The marks for closing an extract.
15. To change a word from small letters
to small capitals, make two lines under the
word, and write sm. caps, in the margin.
16. A letter turned upside down.
17. The mark for a space where it has
been omitted between two words.
18. A comma omitted.
19. When a letter of a different size to
that used, or of a different face, appears
in a word, draw a line either through it or
under it, and write opposite w./. (wrong
20. When one or more words have been
struck out, and it is subsequently decided
that they shall remain, make dots under
them and write itei (stand) in the margin.
21. The substitution of one word for
22. Where a word has to be changed
from Italic to Roman, make a line under it
and write ronian on the margin opposite.
23. The substitution of a small for a
capital letter.
24. Marks when lines and words do not
appear straight.
25. The marks for parentheses.
26. A battered, broken, or misshapen
letter may also be noticed by a line drawn
under or through it, and a + written in
the margin.
27. Where a space stands up and appears,
draw a line through it, and make a strong
perpendicular mark in the margin.
38. A letter omitted.
29. The transposition of letters in a
30- The dash omitted. The hyphen
omitted is marked by a shorter line with
only one vertical mark.
31 . The manner of marking an omission,
or an insertion, when it is too long to be
written in the side margin. When this
occurs, it may be written either at the top
or bottom of the page.
Care should always be taken that the
errata are written in the order in which
they occur.
Austin, Alfred
Adams, Mr. Leith ...
After Work
Baptist ... ■
Agnew, William
Agricultural papers ...
Beaconsfield, Lord ...
Alford, Dean
Belgravia ^
All the Ycm- Round ...
Amateur Magazine ...
Amateurs, their dil
Black, William
habits, 9 ; their styl
e, II ;
Blackwood's Magazine
advice to, 20 ; the dest
Borthwick, Sir Algernon
stage, 22 ; must be per
Bow Bells
American Traveller...
Bowles, T. G
Anglo-American Times
Animal World
British Architect
British Mail
British Quarterly
Architect ... .
Brougham, Lord, a rejected con-
tributor, 33 ; jealous of
Army papers
colleagues on the Edinbui
Arnold, Arthur
'.'. 62,
121 ; contributed
Arnold, Edwin
• 43,
Morning Advertiser
Arnold, Matthew
Browning, Mrs.
Browning, Robert ...
Art Journal
Buckland, Frank
Art, Magazine of ...
Building journals
Burnand, F. C.
Atlantic Monthly ... .
Carlyle edited out ofn^cognition,
32 ; his French Revolution
declined by a publisher, 33 ;
American payments 99
CasseWs Magazine 112
Catholic publications 112
Chambers' s y ozirnal 114
Charing Cross Magazine 114
Chatto and Windus Ill
Chenery, T 137, I39
" Christian " publications ... 133
Church of England publications, 1 14
115, 116
Colbiirn's New Monthly 116
Coleridge, editor of Morning
Post 129
Coleridge, Father 113
Collins, Wilkie 56
Commandments, Ten Literary loi
Contei>if>o7-a7y Review ... 41, 116
Copyright 97
Cornhill Maga zine 116
Court Circular 118
Court yournal 1 1 8
Courtney, Leonard 62
Cowen, Joseph 62
Cox, Serjeant iii, 126
Daily Chronicle Il8
Daily News 118
Daily papers, salaries on ... 44
Daily Telegraph 94, "9
Davey, R 126
Day of Rest 120
Declined with thanks,"
• •• 70, 77.
on his con-
his emotion
bitterness of the phrase , 27 ;
how to take it, 28 ; great
authors to whom it has been
Delane, M. T.
De Vere, Aubrey
Dickens, Charles,
tributions, 15 ;
on iirst appearing in print, 22 ;
as a reporter, 25 ; on diffi-
culties of learning short-hand,
57 ; denounces impertinent
journalism, 95 ; as editor of
Daily News ^
Dilke, Ashtcn 62,
Dilke, Sir Charles ... 62, no,
Dixon, Hepworth, first contri-
buted to local papers when a
merchant's clerk, 23 ; his diffi-
culty in finding a publisher,
33 ; editor of Athenaum
Dowling, R
Dublin Review
Duplication of literary work
Earnings of a young journalist
during his first year's labour 49
Ecclesiastical Gazette 114
Echo 120
Economist 121
Edinburgh Review ... 32, 47, 121
Editorial "we" 82, 84
Editors, introductions to 13 ;
thorns in their cushions, 15 ;
who are also proprietors, 47 ;
their labours and responsibili-
ties, 73, 86 ; who never write,
86 ; great men who have
failed as 86
Educational publications ... 122
Edwards, Passmore 62, 121
Eliot, George, rejected. 33 ; her
remuneration 40
" Englishwoman's " papers ... 125
Era 137
Examiner 122
Faithfall, Miss 140
Family Herald 1 22
Family J\ cad er 122
Farming publications 117
Fathers, in relation to their as-
piring sons 26, 38
Field 117
Finigan, Lysaght 63
First appearance in print ... 89
Floral publications 117
Fonblanque, Albany, at work 29
Forbes, Archibald 119
Foreign Times 108
Forster, John 118, 119
Fortttightly Review 122
Franklin 26
Frase7''s Magazine 122
Freeman no
Freemason 122
Fi-eemason's Chronicle 122
Friendly Leaves 1 15
Fun 123
Funny Folks 123
Gardening publications
Gaskell, Mrs
Gentleman'' s Magazine
Gladstone 131,
Gcod Words
Good work not always market-
Go wing, Richard
Grant, James
Gratuitous contributions
Gray, E. D
Gi-eeley, Horace
Greenwood, Frederick ... 130,
Greenwood, James
Giove, George
Hrdl S. C 109,
Ilamerton, P. G
Hand and Heart
Harper'' s Magazine
Harte, Eret
Hatton, Joseph
Hawthorn, Nathaniel, his early
work " declined with
thanks " ...
Health papers
Hill, Frank H
Hoey, Mrs. Cashel
Hogg, James
Home Ne-ws
Homceopathic papers
Hope, Beresford^ 63
Horticultural publications ... 117
Jlouse and Home 124
How to correct proofs 142
Huish, Marcus 109
Hutton, R. H 135
Illustrated London News 125
Japp, A. H 123
Jenkins, Edward 62
Jerrold, Blanchard 127
Jerrold, Douglas 26, 127
Jewish publications 1 25
John Bull 115
Journalism, affords a beginning
for the literary aspirant, 4 ;
how to begin, 19 ; dislike of
the mental and manual labour
not fatal to success, 19 ; dis-
tinction between literature
and, 39, 43 ; as a career — the
fair side, 53, 65 ; the seamy
side 66,
Journalists in poverty
Joynes, F. W
Ji^dy _ ...
Juvenile publications
Knowles, James
Labouchere, Ily.
Ladies' publications
Lamb, Charles
... 116,
62, 116, 139,
Land and Water
Lawson, E. L
Ledger, Edward
Legal publications
Legge, Edward .. ...,
Leisure Hotir
Lewes, George Henry, at work
29 ; rejected
Lewis, George
Linton, Mrs. Lynn
Lippincotfs Magazine ...
Literary career, advantages of,
58 ; noble prerogatives' of,
60 ; a stepping-stone to other
distinctions, 61, 64 ; train-
ing for
Literary Church77ian
Literary clerks in Government
Literary World
Lloyds Weekly
Locker, Arthur
Lockyer, Norman
London correspondents for
country papers
London Figaro
London journal
London dreader
Lon don Society
Lucy, W. H 51,
Macaulay, could not find a
market for all he wrote, 22 j at
work, 29 ; reviewed without
reading, I2I ; Brougham
jealous of 121
McCarthy, Justin ... 25, 63, 69
McLeod, Dr 124
Magazines, money to be made
by writing in 41
Mallock, W. H 42
Manufacturing and mechanical
papers 127
Marketable work 33
Marryat, Florence 127
Martineau, Hariiet 118
Masson, David 127
Medical papers 128
Methodist publications 128
Mill, J. S 140
Misprints 89
Motith 113
Monthly Packet 116
Morley, John 64, 122
Morley, Samuel 119
Morning Advertiser 128
Morning Post 37) 129
Mortimer, J 127
Motley's Dutch Republic re-
fused by publisher 33
MulhoUand, Miss Rosa 113
Murra)', Grenville 141
Murray, John 123
Myra's Journal 1 25
Musical papers 129
Napier, Macvey 121
Nature 129
Naval papers .~ ...
Newman, Cardinal ...
Nichols, Dr
Nineteefith Century ...
Notes and Queries . . .
O'Connor, T. P. ...
O'Donnell, F. H. ...
Overland Mail
••• 135
29, 116
... 128
41, 129
... 130
... 133
... 130
... 63
... 63
... 105
Pall Mall Gazette ...
Parish Magazine
Payn, James, on the literary
Penny Illustrated Paper
Personal journalism
Phonetic Journal
Pict07-ial World
Plant, G. W
Poetry, payment for
Printers who have become
editors and authors
Procter, Adelaide Anne
Ftiblic Opinion
Quarterly Review
Reeve, Henry, C.B.
41. 133
... 125
•■• 133
... 116
... 121
Remuneration, literary, see
chapter on " Pounds, Shillings
and Pence" 37 — 52
Reporting, special, 20 ; im-
personality in, 20 ; beginning
a literary career by 24
Return of rejected MSS. ... 28
Reynolds' Weekly Newspaper ... 133
Robinson Crusoe, "declined
with thanks " 31
Robinson, J, R 119
Rock 116
Roslyn Grey HI, 116
Ruskin, began by writing verses
in an obscure periodical ... 23
Russell, Charles, Q.C 113
Russell, Dr. W. H 135
Sala, George A. iv., 40, 120, 125, 137
Saturday Review 35, 134
Sawyer, William 123
Scott, Clement 137
Scott, Sir Walter 42
Scribrur's Magazine 108
Service publications 135
Sexton, T 63
Sharp, Martin R US
Shelley's poems not good
enough for the Examiner ... 122
Smiles, Samuel, where he began 23
Smith, Dr. William 133
Smith, Elder and Co 130
Smith, G. Barrett 121
Social Notes 135
Society 135
Special correspondents
Spiritualist publications
Sporting publications
Stebbing, W
Stephen Leslie
Stephens, H. P.
St. yames^s Gazette ...
St. James's Magazine
Strahan, Alexander ...
Sullivan, A. M,
Sullivan, T. D.
Sunday at Home
Su7iday Magazine
Sunday Times
Sylvia' s Home Journal
Taylor, Sir Henry ...
Taylor, Tom i
Temple Bar
Tennyson, 21 ; his
Thackeray, his editorial experi-
ences, 19; his early contribu-
tions "declined with thanks,"
31, 55; on "Knights of the Pen"
Thompson, Alfred
Tinsley's Magazine
Townshend, Marquis
•• 37,
', SO,
Training requisite for literaiy
success ... 57
TroUope, Anthony, his first
attempts, 33 ; his literary in-
come, 33 ; on journalism as a
career 55
Trtith 139
Tulloch, Principal 122
University Magazine 139
Unitarian papers 139
Vanity Fair \6,o
Victoria Magazine 140
Voules, Horace 139
Walford, E 109, 118
Walter, J 137
Walter Felham^s Illustrated . . .
Journal 140
Ward, Artemus ,
Ward, Dr. W. G
Weekly Budget
Weekly Dispatch
Weekly Register
Weekly Review
Weekly Times
Week'' s News
Westminster Review
Wh itehall Review
Wilberforce, H. W
Williams, Charles
Women, pathetic letters from,
15 ; successful journalists,
16 ; as " leader " writers ...
Wood, Mrs. Henry 30,
World '
Yates, Edmund iv, 47, 56, 139, 141
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" John Oldcastle instructs journalistic aspirants in thfe technicalities of contributing to
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gives 'tips' to his young disciples, so that they may avoid, even in the notes accompanying
their MSS., that appearance of greenness which the editorial eye is quick to detect. The
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